Mar 29, 2008
They're back!!!!

Mar 26, 2008
Dumb and Dumbest
I don't want to be the one to say - "I told you so......", but I did tell you so!?!!?!
The filipino people is being smeared by such filth on a daily basis that sometimes I think we are putting the younger generation's future at stake by letting them be bombarded by the sub standard, low quality television programming...
Gone are the days of informative forms of entertainment (like Super Book, Astro Boy, Batibot, Sesame Street, Mr. Squiggle, Kwarta O Kahon, Ating Alamin w/ Ka-Gerry Geronimo, etc)....
You're saying I am wrong??!? Well, just take a look at this video and find out what it did to this poor girl...
Turn your entire family into South Park characters
Mar 24, 2008
Messiah Syndrome
You see, I have, for the most part of my life, grown up with most of my personal expectations (and celebrations) being played down, if at all, shown. Not because I am incompetent or unworthy, but because I carry the weight of guilt from the others who were counting on me to succeed at that time.
It has never been a fight for me. There is always someone else I'm waging it all for.
It is tough growing up thinking that everything you do is constantly being measured, weighed and scrutinized because the outcome of which could have an impact to another person, either directly or indirectly.
I feel as though the blame just digs deeper into you when you fail at something because your failure would translate as theirs.
This sort of, "messiah" syndrome is common for most of us, but a majority of us does have that innate ability to turn it off, should things get a little overwhelming. Unfortunately for me, I am not one of these persons.
I think it's both a curse and a blessing.
It's a curse, because the additional pressure and stress becomes amplified beyond what really is true at that time.
It's a blessing because, together with the problem comes that deep-seated motivation to strive and better yourself, constantly raising the bar as you set to overcome the obstacle. I builds character, I think (*stroke chin...)
For most people, life's challenges were mostly fought for one's own gain, or for personal reasons. This is why most people are quick to celebrate their successes, because they can easily attribute their success as their own. Being a "messiah" syndrome sufferer, it could be a challenge giving yourself the usual pat on the back for a job well done because you can never be straight forward with claiming your success for you own, feeling that the others who were riding on your success have also contributed to it, even though in all reality, they haven't done jack shit!.
What do you think is worst --- ending up in failure or failing to celebrate your own success???
Mar 20, 2008
Another reason why I love the land of cheese burgers and fries...

Cultural Difference

Lately, I've become extremely intolerant and at most, confrontational whenever stupidy is nearby... I think I'm allergic to stupid people because I've noticed a change in my breathing whenever I'm around them... I've also noticed that I break-out into bouts of mind-less taunting, name calling and cold sweats, whenever I am forced to engage them...
Although being confrontational and morbidly intolerant does have it's plus points, you can't help but think if, somehow, it'll all come back to you--- "What goes around, comes around"...
I think this is one of the reason and the biggest deterrent for us Filipinos.... I mean, growing up... we were taught to respect individuals and to be understanding and patient... anything else than that would be rude and unbecoming....
But as you go through life, you end up questioning its relevance in your day-to-day dealings.... Take my case for example... I've observed that every time I act nice to these marginalized people (aka. stupid people), I end up paying for it... moronic people simply do not reciprocate acts of kindness anymore...
Maybe its because I'm dealing with people who's coming from a different cultural background than mine... maybe, in their culture.... it is not rude to be complete moron whose work ethic is similar to a baboon on meth, with a skill level and professionalism that closely resembles a 4 year old child with down syndrome.....
How can we hold our sanity when the reason behind it all is cultural difference? Hmmm, thats a tough one..... It's a sensitive issue indeed... One can never take these things lightly.... But, if I'd have one suggestion on the matter - it would be Selective Extermination....
After all, if we can teach our kids the value of being competitive and doing well in school and work... then we all have the responsibilty to protect them from being exposed to idiocy and people who practice them....
Mar 15, 2008
Out-of-Office (2007) No More!!!

For most of you, little is known about how I valiantly fought off the excitement… how I held my head high, with complete disregard to what others would say if they found out that I am the last person in the office to use the said MS Office suite… But like any other temptation out there, the call of the keyboard is simply too strong to resists….
It's been an ordeal for me not to notice some of the convenience being offered by the new installment of the MS Office Suite. Even though I know that these convenient little extras is costing me my very soul, it wouldn't be fair at all to watch the hoi polloi indulge themselves to Armageddon while I stand alone and clueless of the entire useless verbiage being flung around the office floor.
So there, I started using the thing, all the while looking behind my back like a lying sleaze, afraid that my colleagues in the biz would catch me red-handed…
I ended up figuring one thing worthwhile with Word 2007 – that is its very own Blog Tool feature… at least now it's much easier to fake working than calling-in sick. So for that thank you Microsoft!
Mar 10, 2008
Mr. Yorre A. Schmuck, C.E.O.
So, I made my mind up and started campaigning for additional capital to finance my purchase for this very promising stock.
I did my homework... crossed the T's, dotted the I's.... I also went aroung lobbying for some "ground support", doing my own advertising of the company, peddling influence (hehehe).... and then finally, I took my purchase certificate home...
Everything was looking like it spelt s-u-c-c-e-s-s until about the second month when an official circular was sent by the then newly appointed C.E.O. of that wretched company.
The memo read something to this effect:
"The company does not have relative market activity to support the recent market rally that is causing the value of our stocks to appreciate beyond expectations during the past weeks.
This trend is purely speculative and as the price per equity (PE) of the company is still in a downward trending curve the company offers caution to all investors..."
I mean who died and made the fucker god anyway?!? So what if the stupid investing public is going ballistic for something even veteran investment analyst couldn't quite put their fingers on... or if the entire trend is being influenced by over-inflated dough-boys who might also be behind the looming buy-out deal?
Every-fucking-one is holding a winning ticket in this lotto, right?! Every-fucking-one is grinning their asses off, right? So why, Mr. CEO, tell me why... did you, of all the people, have to be the fucking 'tard-ass party pooper!!?!? What, your "conscience" not letting you sleep at night? Is that it? Then my good sir, why didn't you just take a fucking pill!!!!????
Surely enough, when the dust settled, and the takeover passed.... Mr. Fucking CEO is out the door.... with me and the rest of the 657,451 investors left behind trying our best to hold on to our sanity....
Question: Why is it that when the show finally starts getting interesting, you have to go to the bathroom and relieve your sorry-ass-self? Can somebody please enlighten me on this?!?!?
Mar 9, 2008
Rated: Parental Guidance
That's how it feels again... Barely three weeks after my annual holiday, I felt as if I'm back in the muddy fields, soaking in the pungent, stale, and absolutely horrid reality of my present circumstances: Working as an OFW in a deadbeat organization.
Strong words coming from someone whose voluntarily sold himself (...to the devil...) into expatriation....
I tell you now - it should not always be about the money, you greedy-eyed muddda...!
Alright, sure, everyone's first reaction is, it's always about the Benjamins... But you see Benjie's going into all that sub-prime fiasco thingy right now, so that shit won't even matter within the next 7 years or so....
Let me then give you a brotherly advice (and I suggest you take it...) - If you're serious about going out of the country to work right now, you must be totally prepared - emotionally, physically, psychologically, mentally, and of course, morally....
Anything less than that, then, I'll tell you to wait on it for a while.... at least, that what I wish I would've done...
But here I am now... As dilapidated as I am, I have to persevere, not for my sake; but for my family's... I guess that's what really makes the entire ordeal bearable.... Family....
Things can certainly turn for the worst, but at the end of the day... It's not about you anymore.... it's about them, your babies.... your family....
I mean, if you think about it.... What is it that you've been doing all your life, if not building yourself up for that single, most noblest thing you can experience - Parenthood!
I know most of those who knew me back in the days will tell you, I'm the last person they would've thought of being all existential about parenthood and stuff... I guess I'd say the same thing like that about myself, 9, 10 years ago... Believe it or not, I did not look for this... It found me....! And boy am I freaked when it did....
That said, I guess the only thing I should be complaining about right now is not that I'm bent to be a corporate slave for the rest of my life... it should've been: I think I could've done a better job if I would've tried harder when I could've....
I just wish I'll not disappoint these fellas that much....
Ashley (8 YO) and Dylan (0.25 YO)