Aug 12, 2008

Tips to screw your officemates (Tip #1)

Because of the tremendous body of knowledge I've amassed on how to extend the misery, remorse, and loathe you're feeling with the company during the course of my stay with them, I am willing to share them with the rest of the world for the benefit of society.

I'll be writing daily snippets on this subject under the tag "Office Hassle Tips".

So lets start...

Office Hassle Tip Number 1:

The scenario:

As usual, another project is about the hit it's target date... temperature is rising, and all hell is about to break loose when the project leader asks for the final copy of the project charter from you because you've offered your selfless services of proofing and editing it a couple of weeks ago.

The Pay-off:

First, you have to do your fair part on elevating the tension by asking annoying questions like "ooohhh where did you get your hair done" (if its a girl) or "Did you see the game last week? (if its a guy)...

This will probably carry on the conversation providing you with precious delaying minutes.... then at the last minute, tell him/her that you'll just email them the document... then, send the document as a (broken) link through email instead of the usual attach file method. Repeat this procedure all the while engaging them with irrelevant questions as mentioned above...

When finally, the project leader questions your email method, tell her that you're being responsible and you are helping the company put down the cost on data storage by keeping a single copy of the file in the network and not sending each time an independent copy.

Continue sending her broken links and engaging them in irrelevant conversation until he/she burst into flames or get a nervous breakdown... then you simply grab the bottle of vodka you kept chilling on the fridge, pour yourself a glass and have the best time see your leader get grilled by higher ops for the delay...

Aug 10, 2008

Another Mindf*cked Rant

Do you sometimes wonder why, for the simplest of things you end up breaking your head; carefully planning meetings, churning-out KPIs and forecasting analysis but still end up ruining it all?

What about underestimating something to the point of practically neglecting it only to find out later on that it's actually one of the critical action point in someone else's grand design?

It's a shame how most of the people whose entrusted to take the helm of companies, portfolios, projects, industries, even countries and armies are leading lives whose in total contradiction of their jobs. Meaning that most of these so called managers/directors/presidents/chairmans are they themselves unable to manage either their very lives or their households.

Small wonder why societies will turn at each other at a drop of a hat with the smallest provocation on something they will later on consider as a trivial matter - case in point the latest Georgia conflict (click here to read more on this topic).

Sitting here writing this entry, I find these types of news as "concerning" or maybe even "alarming"... still, I couldn't imagine how it would feel like if you yourself would be in the actual situation....

Although still undecided on whether or not to go back home for a promising opportunity, I'm already mind-fu*cked from the stress because my decision might put me and my family in the same circumstances mentioned above... unable to justify if the risk-reward ratio if this decision will be on our favor...

Today, I may not just very well be reading about the violence, unfair trade practices, escalating prices on oil and commodities, tax scamming fiascos, police incompetence and brutality, rub-outs, trade insolvency issues about mi querida patria... Tomorrow I'll be again, immersed in all the sensationalized splendor and drama that is home...

You might ask: "Then why the f*ck do you have to go through it all over again?"

Answer: "Yo busco la mejor las cosas ... y estoy siempre un estudiante de la vida y las oportunidades..."

My God, please help me and my family see through this!
Let it not transpire according to my will, but with your will be

To leave, or not to leave... that is the question!

A fervent attempt to empower one's self will almost always end-up to be an insult to someone else's sensibilities. Being around uncertainty all your life, you somehow find yourself sinking deep into the recesses and obsessive goings-on of your sheer lack of trust with your own good judgement.

How some people carry on, candidly striking deals at will is beyond me! I am forever unabashed by the stirring uncertainty and obliterated thought process mostly brought about by repeating circumstances of defeat and high risk taking.

I know that a friend's honest assessment on any decision matter would be worth its weight in gold, if you prescribe to that person's capability and judgement. Otherwise the cycle repeats itself.

Sad facts, huh?

I guess in the end, you just have to be a man... cover your eyes... and pray your guts out that things will work out fine in the end...

En Dios, confĂ­o en ...

Voy de vuelta a casa!