Have you ever asked yourself why the hell are you doing it or for what reason are you compelled to continue doing it?
A lot of you will say, it's because they're just playing their part as responsible/capable members of society. Some will actually say that they don't have a choice - they do it to survive...
Actually, we all have a choice... believe it or not you've made a choice... you've chosen be responsible, or you've chosen to be the bread winner.... the point is... you've chosen to run the "race"
Sometimes I wonder how can some people go on everyday doing nothing... wondering what the day will bring them... not having any cares whatsoever...
I mean, sure, everyone dreams of this.... after all, who doesn't want to stay late every night and also wake up late the next day? Or go partying with friends till dawn, get hammered, then get up around 3-4 pm only to do the same thing afterwards...
It all seems like a dream... to live a carefree life.... without anyone bartering for your time, no responsibilities, no regrets.... ah, pure bliss....!
I guess for the most part, I can say that I have also dreamed of it for most of my life... I idolize the ranks of the common "tambays" who seems so unfazed of the goings-on in the world around them... there is a curious aura with these folks that I find so appealing...
And for a brief time in my life, I actually got to experience it... Though I am not sure how brief, I'm pretty sure it's long enough for me to get over the idea and pass it of as one of those things you grow out of - like wearing torn jeans, Black Sabbath tee's and tattered chuckies...
Soon, I was seeing reasons left and right about why not to stay out late... like that premier screening I've been waiting to go to... or that uber cool convention that opens at 7 am and closes before lunch break....
Slowly, you get your head straight and wonder why you spent you all that time going to gigs that makes absolutely no sense anyway.... you grow tired of waking up late only to wonder what you can do with the malls closing with the next 5-6 hours... and you've seen the same guys playing at the the bars and gigs like a gajillion times already....
Slowly, you start to think that it's boring to stay with a bunch of halfwits at the basketball courts, talking about "why the latest noontime show rocks..." or "how you got your weired looking girlfriend to give you head"....
Correct me if I'm wrong, but sometimes, doing nothing overtime can become such a chore....
So be thankful you have to go through the same old shit everyday on your never run for the rat race... after all, you'll have all the time to feel burdened later doing nothing during your retirement years....