AH1N1 cases totalled 447 today.
Just want to call out the fact that besides being blindly terrified of this bug, I'm just totally mortified of the thought that after working hard in the office, tucking my shoes, coming home from work -- I could very well be passing the virus, unknowingly to my loved ones (especially my kids), who'se come to answer the door and excitedly plants me a well deserved kiss!
And what is the fucking deal with this old saying "well, when its your time...."...????
I really hate the fact that some old-fart, wittered bastard blasted out such idiotic nonsense, probably at the dawn of his remaining soddy, pathetic life on this planet, and found an entire society reciting his mantra like it was something so natural to accept!
Such idiotic ideas are really what's making this entire pandemic scene play out for the worst --- people totally intolerant of other people's lives...
Sure, it's a pathetic, and honestly so, quite catchy of a phrase sort of a claim to your reason, but think about it... Kids are the only real victims on every pandemic/epidemic crisis that's broken out since man decided to come of age...
And no, I don't give pity if you're old, gray, and just decided to tell me that "when it's your time, its your time..." you pathetic piece of sordid crap!