Sometimes when I thought I'm on to something, you'd see me all enthused and hyped-up talking to people and pitching my ideas as if I have truly experienced them first hand. Obviously, I'm still in the same financial rut which means that my enthusiasm usually stops there.
Lately though, after being truly inspired by a new book on financial freedom (Larry Gamboa's books) that excited feeling simply refuses to leave me. I truly wanted to get out of the rat-race, since the day I joined the ranks... however, I guess decades of mental conditioning has grown into a habit.
Unfortunately for myself - I'm the one proof of the adage that "Old habits do, die hard"
I wish I could break the vicious cycle that has plagued my family, since my grandfather's time. I wish I could be more enlightened by all the wonderful ideas that I constantly immerse myself into... I wish I would finally have the guts to take that plunge...