10. She never listens to anything I say, she'll feign listening from time to time but you know she's leading you on...
9. She'll always ask you for something impossible, regardless if you break your neck trying to fulfill them...
8. She never let up being a jealous freak! Even elephant tranquilizers won't take her down when she's on her jealous rampage...
7. She always forgets the "plan". More often than not, it's because of reference to reason number 10.
6. She's invented a new use for the mobile phone - a high velocity crotch-seeking projectile from hell!
5. She always takes the long route to everything. Shopping for groceries will never be fun anymore...
4. She'll never accept a perfectly normal line of reasoning. She always begs logic of comical hearsay from friends...
3. She hates everything I enjoy and despises all my regular pursuits.
2. She never takes me seriously, even if I'm out of the road wielding a cleaver out for a mindless killing spree...
But the most important reason of all is...
1. She has given me, a reason beyond reason itself... affection beyond my wildest imaginings... patience more rugged than the mighty Kalahari... understanding, the breadth of which extends way beyond mortal realms... opened my eyes to the grandeur that is all around me... introduced me to laymen concepts that carries wisdom beyond university halls...
She has, made me want to push myself to my very limits... Given me a challenge that will last me two lifetimes fulfilling... cared for me with the most selfless tending ever in the history of mankind!
She has made me want to live a thousand years just to spend each precious second loving and caring for her!
If I'd ever be granted 3 wishes... it'll be... that (1)I live an immortal life free from any vexations of the hoi-poloi culture, that (2)I retain the realities of my present circumstances, and that (3) I spend my life in eternity with you... my one, my only Leslie!
uhmm, i think you just described the typical female; ask reynald, i believe he would tell you that his wife was crafted from the same mold :D
- youknowwho ;-)
i know... isn't it frightening that the world is in fact run by a an organized group whose idea of a good time is inventing ways to torment their lowly, but cute husbands.... lolz :D
As our other half, you guys need to lie low on giving us a hard time... after all, if we get cranky or agitated - guess who'll end up as the shock absorbers...??? (clue: Y_U)
So, what's it gonna be? Let me give you gals an idea - live 'n let live? Sounds like a plan huh?
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