I've been going through some major growing pains in my effort to generate substantial income with my stock trading activities. In general, it is acceptable to fail a couple of times when your starting something out. And its relatively easy to justify them in most cases.
Now, I'm not saying that my efforts went unrewarded, cause they've already earned me a handsome profit to date. It's just that, even with careful planning, I still find myself short from my projected targets. Mostly because I've been having some issues with not walking away while I'm still ahead, or walking too soon while the dice is still rolling...
Ah, the mortal limits of this insidious friend called Greed!!!
The mysteries of market dynamics is really not a mystery at all. Okay, so what if they say that the stock market is a cesspool of undulating turmoil of uncertainties with a touch of commensurate risk taking? Its all just math works, right? Or..... maybe not! =(
For the select few who has enough influence, charisma, power and money; playing the high stakes game of stock market trading is a walk on the park. Most of these bastards started with relatively humble beginnings. Now, they're writing fancy books while flaunting investment strategies like they were born with an MBA in Business and Economics.
But, to be fair, I think I'm doing a pretty good job so far. Being new to this stuff, it didn't hurt that I was an obsessive idealistic retard, a trait which actually sustained me when the market sentiment decided to play footsie with my life savings.... Thank God, all my toes are still with me!
I know that stock market trading is a science, which means it is bounded by absolute factors that can be qualified, quantified, and calculated. But it is also fact that the stock market game is an art, which means this shit is not for you, if you have suicidal tendencies!
What ever the case maybe, it's been a relatively interesting ride so far. It's like a roller-coaster ride from hell.
Absolutely lovely!
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