Taking annual holidays like these, brings back memories of those long summer breaks during our elementary and high school days... Do you remember how excitable you are then?!?
Weeks before the last day of classes... people are already brimming with anticipation of it... classmates swapping stories about their supposed family out-of-town trips... everyone scheming barkada malling schedules.... or planning a get together during the Summer Lenten Event --- "Bisita Iglesia Excursions"
Do you still remember how each year the barkada outings became more and more interesting... and more and more fun! Oh how I would like to rewind and re-live those wonderful days =)
That's the same thing I'm feeling right now... I'm just as excitable now (if not more excitable) than I ever been in my entire adult life....
I actually have three reasons to look forward to on this trip... one of which is concerns my wife, plump pillows, satin sheets and.... well, if you're reading this... you should probably have figured it out *wink ;)
I am really looking forward coming home to my family... after all, we will be welcoming one more person this time around.... My baby Dylan.... Mi próximo capitán extraordinaire... =)
I could finally spend my time lounging about and caring for nothing else except spending each hour with my family... as I should have been doing in the first place... As I'm writing this, I cannot help but grin thinking about what my itinerary would look like.... Not that I've done my to-do list already; actually haven't yet, but I guess I can pick it up on the flight home =)
Just thinking about doing no work for a month has already affected my sleeping pattern, now,I've began turning in early for bed and getting restfull sleeps...
I mean, just think about it... at last, I can be free of bumbling idiots whose flaunting at least 2 MBA Degrees, and free from holding my self back of slapping retards whose main job function is to annoy or irritate you with their gross incompetence and nonchalant opinions about absolutely nothing!!!
At long last, I can soak up in an environment where I can feel absolutely remorseful and distressed yet gleeful and supreme contentment (aka - Mi patria .... Filipinas!).....
Wooohooo!!!! Baked Tahong and Tuna Sisig.... here I come!!!! :D
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