But it's cruel how only a handful of people realize that the security that we are looking for has always been there... staring us at the face... taunting us with its seemingly smart collection of perfect catasthrophies that we so everlovingly call "jobs"...
One of the major constraints of being a single breadwinner is that you can never really count on anyone else but yourself. Regardless of how brilliant your business model and related operation planning, your major concern is not the actual formalities of the business, but the gargantuan task of having the motivation to start it! then later on, sustain it...
Believe it or not, I think this is the same old shitty reason why most of the middle class folks have not turned into business... even with the accrued skills and experience they bring to the table, they simple don't want to risk the sickening foray of the routine of working for someone elses money...
its the risk factor that kills the cat...
and since most of us depends on our monthly paychecks for subsistence; it is indeed a critical complication to decide whether or not to leave the security of the rat race and brave the elements of what will be, by going into the unchartered territory of entrepreneurship.
reflecting on the fact that we will be coming back home soon - I am eagerly looking forward at some business concept or models that I've been nurturing while I am away, things that would add value to my initial attempts into enterpreneurship. The only problem is not the indication of risk, as I've already consoled myself that risk is already a part of life will always be there; like the bad stain you get on your teeth because of that smoking habit that you once have; but on whether the risk-reward is relevant in what I have made my world into at the moment... I would really like to concentrate with my career right now, but deep-down inside I feel that I am loosing the opportunity if I'd put off going into business...
I guess I prescribe in the saying "opportunity passed is opportunity lost" too literally.... but I do believe (well, somewhat) that being a high powered mogul of a business enterprise while at the same time being a conventional glorified pencil pusher might actually work... at least I'm praying it could work, then later on, I'd just be worrying about important stuff like deciding whether to quit the 9-5 thing or go to a summer vacation in an exotic polynesian escapade... yeah.... that would be something, huh...?
This may prove to be a challenge, but I feel that its a challenge I cant afford to answer... so, I guess I'll be talking back about this in the (hopefully) near future...
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