The year 2008 was indeed a very colorful, eye-opening and challenging year for me!
In it's wake, I've grown to appreciate and acknowledge the fact that life is precious and should be constantly renewed and nurtured. We should always try to sort all the experiences that we've had regardless of whether it's bad or good if we're planning to succeed in our plans for the future.
This year started with the birth of my youngest - my wonderful son, whose proving that there is always something new to learn, a new skill to master.
Being the proud parents of a talented baby girl once before, I thought that raising baby number 2 is going to be the same checklist that you can write down and cross-out upon completion. It reminded me that every child is unique and perfect at the same time.
This year also marked several challenges and obstacles within my marriage and personal development. It has made an impact to me as an individual and as a co-maker of the contract that is carried out daily in our home!
I've grown to appreciate and accept the differences that we as a couple experience daily and learn ways to compromise (or find reason to compromise) for them.
The year also marked my foray into stock market trading that, for all intensive purposes, deserves a separate post due to the length and depth that it has taught me. The experience also made me appreciate the other ways on how to make money work for you instead of the other way around.
This year also saw the admission of collapse of the mighty US empire economy and the "fireworks display" that followed suit showcasing the rest of the world's coping mechanism. It shows an affirmation to the truth in the saying that "big stones make big waves".
Despite the fact that the entire economic ecosystem is facing catastrophic decline, you get to see first hand that old economic truths will never become obsolete - That the genius behind capitalism is nothing more than an elitist mentality that the world only works on venture commercialism and predatory economic practices - all forbearing on the absolute truth stated in the law of gravity (whatever goes up, must come ____! ).
This year also reminded me that knowledge gained through experience is worth it's weight in gold. That genuine interest and passion for knowledge and excellence will always prevail over education gained half-hearted.
The year also taught me that it is important to keep human relations just the same as building new ones... you'll never know when you'll require the expertise / assistance of anyone you meet along the way.
I also learned that cultural difference (the professionalism kind) is just a figment of one's imagination... It is another attempt to justify incompetence in the workplace... and that talent, passion, as well as the added value you bring to a company should always be the better measure of one's corporate profile, pay and promotion - an not the traditional approach on nepotism and seniority level!
This same year also marked another milestone in my career as we move back to the Philippines under consideration of a very promising job opportunity. Although the decision is hard-fought, I consider the entire event a blessing nonetheless, hoping in earnest that this will open still bigger doors and new conquests for me and my family.
Now that I stand before the conclusion of yet another year - I look back on the unique experiences I had this year, trying my best to soak everything up as I brave the excitement of the coming year!
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