Happy New Year to all!!!
Hope everyone is back from the long holidays in one piece. I know I still have a part of me whose screaming not to go back to work last Monday. Seriously though, the last holiday break is one of the most pleasurable long holiday breaks I had for a long while now. Although I didn't really have time to recharge the old batteries during which - as I was always either minding the baby or running some errand. Don't get me wrong, I am not about to complain at all.
New years day seem to always been a mysterious thing to me. I mean, for some quaint reason, people tend to be extra stupid right around 12 midnight on new year's eve. Despite the obvious perils that incinerating firecrackers bring; people still continue to light themselves up to kingdom come every year.
Although the number of injuries have gone down dramatically through years and years of government propaganda, its funny how some people still manage to celebrate the coming year without opposable thumbs, 3rd degree burns, or missing digits. I do understand what the tradition means to us Filipinos but, based on the overwhelming cases of injuries, I think its one practice we can do without. After all, I don't want to start the year in a hospital for crying out loud!
Last week after the year turned, I received a very sad news. One of the most earnest and good persons I know to date died after a brief battle with the big C. Its tragic to know that during the new year's day celebrations, noise and pollution, that person might as well have made her last stand or took her last breath. It's also heart-breaking to realize that she's leaving her daughter all alone in this world shortly after giving him life a year ago.
Circumstances like these makes me reflect on the life I am living now. Sometimes its very easy for us to forget that we are missing a lot just by going about doing our stuff everyday. It's so easy to forget what really matters the most once routine sets in.
For this year though, I would like to make a resolution to give more time to the people that really matters to me - my family. It's been a whirlwind of a ride that I've spent the past 9 years of my life with nothing but the conviction to work hard to provide enough money to put my family into the most comfortable lifestyle I can give them. It's tragic that in all that I've done, I've never really given them the most important thing anyone can give - time. I tried to cover up my shortcomings by the amount of cash I bring in every month. Which is dumb really since it's taking me twice the effort since I did all that work and in the end have to catch time with them as well...
Anyway, hope that this little piece of mine made you look back on the lives you lived last year and at the same time, help you decide how and where to spend it this coming year.
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