Feb 9, 2009

Are you sharing your blessings enough?

I believe that we are all dealt the cards we hold in life for a reason.

You simply did not possess your charm, wits and what-have-you's so you can indulge on your own whims with whatever it is you fancy of.

Take your comfortable standing in life.

There is no way that you'll be able to know the sort of family or life that you'll be born into.

Like what that famous line from that acclaimed Tom Hanks movie, Forrest Gump - "Life is like a box of chocolate, you'll never know what you're gonna get" - our lives should reflect the gratitude that we all have to our community or those that are not so lucky than we are.

I'd like to say first of that I am not preaching here. I'm merely taking time to thank everything that I have been so blessed to have right now. Something that I haven't been doing much of in my life.

To start with, I have been raised by parents who love me, a family whose put up with me every second of every day. I have friends who are, for the most part, are friends that will never leave you or trade you off for anything else in the world. I have a young family, whose clearly been blessed on all that I could ever ask for. I have my health, that besides my incessant abusive activities, is still with me, hopefully towards my last years on this earth. I have a job; something that doesn't just provide for our daily meals, but also let us indulge on life simple pleasures from time to time.

I have everything anyone could ever ask for!

This got me thinking - what am I doing about it? I just realized, that apart from the alms/tites I give to church every Sunday, I haven't really been doing much with all these blessings.

Given that I have been give a lot of blessings, I sure am that keen on giving these blessings back to those who can really use them.

This is why, I would like to start a campaign, not the ones tainted by personal gain, but something that would effectively let me, and hopefully others, share their blessing with the rest of the community.

Okay, so I got the high level objectives down, now, I need to draft a legitimate action item to translate them...

I'm thinking along these lines:

(1) Organize a feed the hungry drive. sponsored every weekend.
(2) Organize a training/livelihood programmes for the poor to help the community
(3) Sponsor a student
(4) Give 10% Tites to a charitable institution each month

I bet you have a novel idea on your mind right now; mind sharing them here?

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