I am seriously considering flying to Singapore come April of this year to check out the job market over there...
I know what a lot of you are thinking.... "What the hell? He's hardly half a year into his new job and he's looking for another one?"
For the same particular reason, I wanted to fly off immediately after settling in my new job - I can't seem to sustain my enthusiasm and motivation with where I presently am.
Most of the times, I don't really understand myself...
Is it just the thrill of landing a job? Or maybe because I ran out of reasons to tell myself why I want this job a month ago....
Shortly after joining my current employer, I've been seeing signs left and right telling me why this decision is wrong... Or why I needed to change jobs again...
It's not like I didn't put enough thought over this decision... In fact, it took me over 3 months to decide.
Finally when I look back at my track record - I can't help to realize that I've been hopping around from one company to another every 2-3 years time.
Actually the longest I've been in any single organization was 3 years, but that's because I took in the 6 or so months I spent with them for my internship.
It's really a sad revelation on my part, knowing fully well that I may never catch that "winner feeling" I got when I accepted this job... I tried faking my enthusiasm, but like I said, I'm running out of fake excuses to tell myself...
Typically, a new job to me undergoes this process... "yey, you nailed that one... you still have it after all..." to "What the fuck??? That job seems to suit me better... where do I sign???" in roughly 12-15 months... So, what I'm going through right now is my record best at 3 months...
And its not about the money (technically..), because, after a brief analysis over the cost of living and the potential saving percentage being in my favor with my present circumstances, this is logically the better option for the time being.
I honestly believe, that if I manage to stick to my economic plans and ventures, I'll be all set in that category, even during these trying times...
It's mostly the lack of motivation burgeoned by the tight work schedules and workloads, coupled with the odd working hours that's making me doubt my capacity to stay motivated with this one...
I'm just hoping that just like everyone else whose on their late 20's, that thirst to climb the corporate ladder will go down a notch...
Maybe then, will I be at peace at last....
Today, I got an email job alert with one of my favorite Job Portals... there are vacancies all over for a Program Directorship.... I guess primarily due to a lot of head-rolling activities in corporations; sponsored mostly in part by the world wide economic recession...
Hmmm... an IT Program Directorship/CIO position is just 1 level away from where I am right now... Maybe I should check this one out....
*Gears in the head turning again...*
Somehow, this information is adding further anxiety to my now indifferent aura. Why can't I just learn to be complacent? Or appreciate where I am at the moment? Or just be happy on what I have accomplished?
A lot of people at work are actually looking down at me because I'm 10-15 years junior than they are (although these are just from the vibes that I get and not from actual facts...).
A lot of them are raising their eyebrows, simply because they can't seem to comprehend what I've accomplished for myself, given my age...
It's frustrating for me to try to transform myself into someone (or something...) they'll be comfortable enough to accept with...
The politicians at work seems to come in all shapes and sizes now a days.... which is just
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