Jan 28, 2009
Why risk takers are the way they are
Indeed, for most of us in the working class strata of society, this is the undisputed truth.
Being in a third world country doesn't give you much choice on the kinds of jobs (with decent compensation) you can take. We often allow ourselves to be on a particular job, for the sad truth that these jobs offer better pay.
We shrug off common sense and simply condition ourselves to the realities of that job and pray to god that we don't become a Department of Health statistic soon enough.
Although there is no clinical studies correlating health and working on the night shift, we cannot discount facts that your entire lifestyle, sleep patterns, and even eating habits would've changed. This might eventually contribute to the assumption mentioned above.
The reality is, regardless of whether or not we intend to stay on this kind of a job, once your health is affected, then no compensation worth reversing the effects of poor health.
It is this sad fact that most of us "night-walkers" often take to mind but hardly mind at all.
Given the evidence, the question that might linger on to your minds is why take the job in the first place...? It's true that my present job has brought back to unhealthy habits - smoking, bad diet, no exercise... I am pursuing better judgement and swore to either stop or minimize them in the near future...
So, what is the reason behind my apparent questionable decision to trade the luxury, compensation, and security I had working overseas...?
Like what I said... I am an eternal idealist!
People told me its my fatal flaw - something which would cause me more harm than anything I've done to myself. I know that being so, I need to be cautious of decisions like these... like moving to another country or getting a property - I should have poured-in more time to think things thoroughly...
But the call of a challenge is what gets me fired-up. Routine lifestyle, and comfortably settling into a career may be appealing to most people - but sadly, the case is not the same for me.
Although I understood that in time, I have to basically settle into a job I can retire with, at present, I am still undeniably fascinated with the amount of learning and skill I am acquiring each day.
As a consolation to myself --- I humbly believe that by being as I am now, I have not just made strides but gallops over my career as a technologist. I pride myself at being regarded as one of those few whose already made mark on the niche belonging to top management of a multinational company, by the age of 29.
I don't want to brag or bring any malice over this claim - I simply wanted to point out, that this is may not be the case, if not for the my fatal flaw.
Somehow, somewhere, I may one day finally decide to sit back and settle on a high paying career, with a mahogany stained desk, and a rather pleasing 9-5 work hour; motivated only by morning caffeine, the daily broadsheet, and the office commute...
...hopefully though, this is not too soon... =)
Jan 19, 2009
Is it time to wake up already?
I've also been trying to justify my apparent lapse in judgement and inaction as something that can be forgiven, due to the pathetic fact that I made them during the previous holiday season (Christmas / New Year).
Now, I'm desperately trying to convince myself that the honeymoon period is over, and that it's back to the grind for me...
Work wise, I'm still struggling. Being with a company that I am now, I think it would take quite a while for me to get comfortable at anything.
Settling into my current work is proving to be particularly hard, because not only am I adjusting to the environment, but also, I'm trying to re-learn the essential skills of working in a remote / virtual corporate environment from 9PM to 6AM.
Since most of the work I am doing is not based where I am stationed; I have to learn how to do things efficiently all over again; even if it means getting caught without a clue in a capacity meeting a couple of times.
The problem that I am experiencing right now is surely not exclusive to me. At least I'm hoping that is so... I'm sure somewhere, out there, a poor fellow like me is also experiencing the sheer trauma of managing mostly uncooperative resources between vast amount of space and time...
In addition to my work situation, I am still sitting on top of a hill when it comes to aligning some of the personal goals I've set for myself before agreeing to take this assignment (like going back to school, putting up and sustaining a business, learning a new skill, etc).
I'm finding it hard to do all these things now that I am working on the graveyard shift... At first I thought that being in this shift could be an advantage since most of my plans need to happen during the daytime.
Although I've adjusted a little bit on being a nightwalker, I still haven't found a way to force myself to work the other plans that I've so meticulously chartered before even agreeing to come back here...
In reality of course, it's really just a small problem, I'm sure I can deal with these inconsistencies if I set my mind on it, but at the moment, this particular issue is my biggest challenge to date (and it is screwing up all my plans)....
Actually, I've started to map how I am going to do the following:
(1) Go back to school
(2) Learn a new skill
At the moment, I'm giving much thought to getting a professional certification instead of pursuing an MBA (as originally planned). A professional certification that I can build a career on.
I thought of pursuing an MBA, but at the moment I cannot find any practical reason for it anymore as a professional certification would do a better job in getting me where I want to go.
Now, there is just the matter of putting up a business... Today, I was working from home and was lucky to have some time to chat with my wife (something that I'm getting less and less of)...
We've tried exchanging ideas about how things are going on with us individually... we felt that it is now, more than ever, imperative to establish a business undertaking, since a third of my income is being siphoned out by those evil trolls in government --- We need to augment the big chunk if ever we'll have a chance to survive here...
I shouldn't particularly have any complaints about government's grand design to screw with everyone's cash flow (that is after all why they're there in the first place)... this sad reality was explicitly made known to me, even before I considered the offer from my current employer...
The thing is, loosing that much income is putting a dangerous spin with my earlier plans...
Like what I said, we need to get something done before the cash discrepancy becomes out of control.
As a hindsight, I've decided to return home for the simple reason of career advancement --- but now, that I am here, I'm starting to believe that the only advancement I'm getting from this mess is the fact that I am the unwilling participant in a vicious cycle that is putting not just an entire country's sensibilities down, but my very own spirit...
I hope and pray to God for a sign --- something that will reassure me that I am on the right track.
Jan 8, 2009
Americans can do without cars but not sex
This folks is yet another reason why the United States of America is a great nation! God bless them...
I mean where else can you find a perfect mixture of porn moguls, vulgarity, eccentricity, cynicism, PHD's, and economists...?
I absolutely salute the land of super-sized burgers and fries!
At least they have more important stuff to talk about like this and this... while we have to listen to news like this one....
LOS ANGELES - Two porn moguls including Hustler magazine founder Larry Flynt are seeking a five-billion-dollar bailout from Washington, arguing that the limp US economy has thrown cold water on the adult entertainment industry.
Flynt and "Girls Gone Wild" video series creator Joe Francis asked the newly convened 111th Congress "to rejuvenate the sexual appetite of America" in a bailout move similar to the one set aside for US auto manufacturers.
"Congress seems willing to help shore up our nation's most important businesses, (and) we feel we deserve the same consideration," Francis said in a statement.
"In difficult economic times, Americans turn to entertainment for relief. More and more, the kind of entertainment they turn to is adult entertainment."
The pair were quick to admit that "the 13-billion-dollar industry is in no fear of collapse, but why take chances?"
Francis, recently imprisoned for nearly a year on a prostitution-related charge after pleading no contest in a plea bargain, cited industry figures that show adult DVD sales and rentals decreasing 22 percent in 2008, as people turn to the Internet for adult entertainment.
"With all this economic misery and people losing all that money, sex is the farthest thing from their mind," Flynt said.
"It's time for Congress to rejuvenate the sexual appetite of America. The only way they can do this is by supporting the adult industry and doing it quickly."
Flynt said people were "too depressed to be sexually active.""This is very unhealthy as a nation. Americans can do without cars and such, but they cannot do without sex."
Jan 7, 2009
Show your disgust
I just want to say....
So express your disgust towards government corruption and incompetence and add this image to you website(s), or blogs...
here is the link: [ http://tinyurl.com/bbshout ]
Taiwan's first batch of laid-off OFWs
Government further states that the number will still continue to rise in the coming months as more and more factories are planning to cut on spending in response to the slow turnover of goods.
Although to most of us here this poses no relevance in our daily lives. But please take a moment to ponder the sheer human drama that happens to the families of these unfortunate individuals which will be derailed.
There are around 8 million OFWs out there, with families depending on their dollar remittances for their stipends, just imagine if even 1/8Th of this number becomes victims to the economic contraction - that's a translated 2.3 million dollars lost in remittances. This means that inflation, and other economic indicators might suffer in the same proportion.
Amidst the US economy sinking further into economic debt, government is confident that they are prepared to help those who will be displaced from the crisis - the important question here is, how are they planning to help?
Well for me. I'm not going to be that much optimistic on this promise.
I mean, between the sensationalized Alabang Boys bribery scandal, and Pacquiao's promise fight with Ricky Hatton, Ate Glo's government appears to have their hands full at the moment.
Alabang Boys bribery scandal
The notorious group is allegedly coming from the buena familias of south Manila, not necessarily from Alabang itself (I believe only one of the three is actually from Alabang, Muntinlupa).
The DOJ undersecretary who's (surprise, surprise!) voicing his "concerns" over the case spared no expense in pulling all stops just to discredit PDEA's troop.
From the looks of it, everyone but the suspects will be on trial with this one. As of this writing, the Alabang Boys have been freed on parole and will be under custody of their families while the bribery case is being investigated by more nincompoops on DOJ. This is the ugliest form broad daylight corruption I have seen!
Sometimes I was thinking of putting justice in my own hands (or rather, foot...), attend one of the hearings and do this...
Vegans can "get it up" more often
The study they claim, shows that the cholesterol fount in meat and other animal products block the flow of blood to all the body's major organs, including your "two beets and carrot".
Erectile dysfunction affects millions of men around the world, and "one study shows that as many as half the men over the age of 40 in the US are impotent at least part of the time". This assessment is due to the fact that American diet is primarily based on meat and animal products.
The Erectile Dysfunction Institute said that, up to 90 percent of all cases of impotence are physical as opposed to psychological. and that high cholesterol diet along with obesity, diabetes, prostate cancer and inflammation, and hormonal imbalance are among the top reasons of the the causes.
I guess that this another reason why the US is racking up a quite a debt sheet as half of the men population (US demographics: 43 percent aged 35-50 years) are forced to make crude financial decisions because the are flustered with the fact they have to go to the pharmacy just to get them through the night =)
United States deficit to hit 1.2 trilllion dollars
The deficit for the fiscal year 2007/2008 which ended in September reached 438 billion dollars, or 3.1 percent of the nation's gross domestic product, the office said in a report.
However, the figures do not include the cost of a huge economic stimulus plan put forward by the future administration of president-elect Barack Obama which would cost upwards of 775 billion dollars.
According to the report issued by the budget office, the deficit will fall to around 700 billion dollars, which is still one of the highest budget deficits in the nation's history.
President-elect Barack Obama on Tuesday reluctantly acknowledged that he would likely inherit an economy on course for a trillion dollar deficit as he takes office.
"One of the measures of irresponsibility that we've seen is the enormous federal debt that has accumulated, a number that has doubled in recent years," he told reporters.
"At the current course and speed, a trillion-dollar deficit will be here before we even start the next budget," warned Obama, who takes office on January 20.
"Potentially we've got trillion-dollar deficits for years to come, even with the economic recovery that we are working on at this point," he added.
Philippines less likely to be affected by crisis
The announcement by James McCormack, managing director of the Asia-Pacific sovereign ratings at Fitch speaking before Reuters said that he saw no reason to change the country's BB rating and that the economy has a more stable outlook for 2009. He added that the country's healthy fundamental indicators should sustain this outlook from being downgraded, but also noted that there will definitely be a minimal growth expected in government revenues.
On Wednesday, the Philippines, one of Asia's largest sovereign debt issuers, launched a 10-year dollar bond offer, which one banker said could be for as much as $1.5 billion.
The fund raising is to help finance a budget deficit of 102 billion pesos ($2.2 billion) this year from an estimated 75 billion pesos in 2008.
The government relies heavily on foreign and local borrowings to finance its capital and social spending programme because revenues growth has not kept pace with the state's funding needs.
Government has instituted higher sales rate tax in 2005 to coral the ballooning budget deficit primarily due from the widespread tax evasion, smuggling, and corruption. The government even resorted to selling off state assets to offset the weak revenues that time.
Gloria Arroyo's government says that they are expecting similar problems this coming year as the effects of the global crisis pushes the country's growth to aroung 3.7 - 4.7 percent. This assesment was countered by McCormack citing that government's forecast is "too optimistic" and states that the slower growth of about 2.5 percent in the country's economy. He added "It is quite weaker than the government's estimate, but then again when we compare that to the other countries in the region, that is not a bad growth rate..."
Allied Bank and ETON Properties Joint Venture
The project sponsored by the joint venture will include the Eton Baypark Manila, a residential tower at the corner of Roxas Boulevard and Kalaw Street. The construction of the said condominuim started early last year and is expected for turnover by 2010.
The consortium is planning to launch 17 projects due to the good response they recieved on the above project which is substantially "Sold Out" despite the steep price tag for a unit (around P 2.5 million to P8 million).
They are looking to house the projects on several locations like, Greenbelt, Ortigas, Laguna, Novaliches, to name a few.
Optimism remains high from the EPPI camp eventhough the year will be pitting along side the current global economic crisis. This is most likely due to their previous efforts on diversifying the market base, primarily offering properties to OFW whose continuing to stand up to the storm despite the previous assumption that the global recession will most likely affect the volume of remittances.
Jan 6, 2009
First things first
First on the list is whether or not to move into an apartment of our own. Although the proposition is fairly straight forward, there are some valid considerations that is making it difficult for me to make up my mind. Its is a fact that by staying with my in-law's, I'll have the potential to save about 60% of my income. Now, take note that I've emphasized the word "potential" since its never been documented that I actually saved anything in the past based on this premise.
Another consideration is that fact that my eldest schooling commute will be thrown out of track once we decide to move. Then there is also some of the less important points like, whether we would require an in-house child care, house help, different commuting arrangements, apply for a telephone and Internet service, furniture, and appliances thats adding into the difficulty of making the decision to get an apartment.
Second on the list is whether to take a car loan this time around. Obviously, we will require some form of transportation, regardless if its brand new or not. Taking up car loans are becoming common place now a days, and I really need it because of my office timings and other circumstances. As it is now, my in-laws has been kind enough to lend me their rides for me to use going to work. The problem is, like anything on time-share I will always need to get their approval whenever I need to use it on other occasions, personal or otherwise.
Third on the list is whether it's the right time to put up a business and if it is, which one? Since its very easy to follow the current fad, it's become too much of a pain to go through several choices on kiosk type business offerings because of the sheer number of them.
I mean, nothing against this idea, but I wanted to establish something which I am more familiar with or at least something which I am/will be passionate about. I don't want to end folding-up a couple of months down the road simply because its not interesting enough for me follow-up on. I know that a lot of people think that now a days, putting these kinds of businesses is like going to grocery and picking what you want. I think this is what most of the people's sentiment are because its cheap enough (some starting as low as 15K to start) to forgive themselves from once it doesn't work out. I am actually looking on similar business opportunities as well as non-conventional ones like e-commerce, foreign exchange, and the stock market. I even wanted to take into a second job (online consultancy or freelancing) just to pool-in more income. I will try to put down a more comprehensive post about this on my coming posts.
Finally, the last thing on my list of agendas for this coming year is whether or not to explore other opportunities before the end of this year; or stay for sometime with my current one. This has been the underlying question of my entire life. For some reason, I cannot see myself staying for more than 3 years in any company. Although I always end up giving reasons to justify myself, I somehow cannot resolve the fact that I need to build myself a career with a company since I am no longer getting any younger. There's a part of me which agrees to that statement, and there's a part that don't. Either way, I need to get a clue and figure this one out hopefully soon!
I guess that pretty much is that! What about you? What are your plans or goals for the coming year? Mind sharing them here?
Happy New Year!
Hope everyone is back from the long holidays in one piece. I know I still have a part of me whose screaming not to go back to work last Monday. Seriously though, the last holiday break is one of the most pleasurable long holiday breaks I had for a long while now. Although I didn't really have time to recharge the old batteries during which - as I was always either minding the baby or running some errand. Don't get me wrong, I am not about to complain at all.
New years day seem to always been a mysterious thing to me. I mean, for some quaint reason, people tend to be extra stupid right around 12 midnight on new year's eve. Despite the obvious perils that incinerating firecrackers bring; people still continue to light themselves up to kingdom come every year.
Although the number of injuries have gone down dramatically through years and years of government propaganda, its funny how some people still manage to celebrate the coming year without opposable thumbs, 3rd degree burns, or missing digits. I do understand what the tradition means to us Filipinos but, based on the overwhelming cases of injuries, I think its one practice we can do without. After all, I don't want to start the year in a hospital for crying out loud!
Last week after the year turned, I received a very sad news. One of the most earnest and good persons I know to date died after a brief battle with the big C. Its tragic to know that during the new year's day celebrations, noise and pollution, that person might as well have made her last stand or took her last breath. It's also heart-breaking to realize that she's leaving her daughter all alone in this world shortly after giving him life a year ago.
Circumstances like these makes me reflect on the life I am living now. Sometimes its very easy for us to forget that we are missing a lot just by going about doing our stuff everyday. It's so easy to forget what really matters the most once routine sets in.
For this year though, I would like to make a resolution to give more time to the people that really matters to me - my family. It's been a whirlwind of a ride that I've spent the past 9 years of my life with nothing but the conviction to work hard to provide enough money to put my family into the most comfortable lifestyle I can give them. It's tragic that in all that I've done, I've never really given them the most important thing anyone can give - time. I tried to cover up my shortcomings by the amount of cash I bring in every month. Which is dumb really since it's taking me twice the effort since I did all that work and in the end have to catch time with them as well...
Anyway, hope that this little piece of mine made you look back on the lives you lived last year and at the same time, help you decide how and where to spend it this coming year.