Jan 7, 2009

Alabang Boys bribery scandal

News channels are recently buzzing with the latest bribery scandal involving really rich and well connected families and government officials --- so whats new?

The notorious group is allegedly coming from the buena familias of south Manila, not necessarily from Alabang itself (I believe only one of the three is actually from Alabang, Muntinlupa).

The DOJ undersecretary who's (surprise, surprise!) voicing his "concerns" over the case spared no expense in pulling all stops just to discredit PDEA's troop.

From the looks of it, everyone but the suspects will be on trial with this one. As of this writing, the Alabang Boys have been freed on parole and will be under custody of their families while the bribery case is being investigated by more nincompoops on DOJ. This is the ugliest form broad daylight corruption I have seen!

Sometimes I was thinking of putting justice in my own hands (or rather, foot...), attend one of the hearings and do this...

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