Sep 1, 2009

Substancial Void

I was brought into a world, where there is absolutely no other substitute for success but being successful - a logic which, for some time looked perfectly right... after all, everything just seems to fit together... successful students tends to be the ones reaping the fruits of their efforts year after year (with merits, scholarships, etc), likewise, successful workers, tends to be the ones promoted first and with it... that synonymous leg-up on their pay amongst other gray stuff...

Success seems to be the single driving force that is only limited by how persevering and how committed a person is. Which for me, unfortunately, has also become the yard stick on which I measure happiness with... Success = happiness --- this was my 'desiderata', my mantra...

But now, reflecting on what I've really learned from the school of life... Success doesn't necessarily meant that you'll be happy... that success will not always guarantee that what's waiting for you at the end is something that you would like....

Of course, this could just be another mindless rant coming from an already tired, sleep-deprived, often times eccentric individual such as myself... but pause for a while and let the your mind do the talking for once... I just want you to basically ask yourself, if, from all your success right now, are you in any position that you can truly say that your either happy or content? Or did your previous success just leave you, hungrier for the next success niche?

True enough, I bet a lot of you would be candidly claiming that you are 'content' and 'happy' with where you are right now.... if so, then this post did not do shit... to you at least... so just bugger off!!!

If your answer is the same as mine, well, I want to share with you with a recent realization ---

success is not about achieving.. it is about looking back and validating
yourself for a job well done... It's not about hoping for a positive reward...
its about what you think your efforts have meant to yourself and to those around

Try to reflect at what your recent success meant for you... and tell yourself whether its made a 'true' positive impact to you and your family