According to the claims of an animal rights group - a vegetarian diet works better than the drug, Viagra.
The study they claim, shows that the cholesterol fount in meat and other animal products block the flow of blood to all the body's major organs, including your "two beets and carrot".
Erectile dysfunction affects millions of men around the world, and "one study shows that as many as half the men over the age of 40 in the US are impotent at least part of the time". This assessment is due to the fact that American diet is primarily based on meat and animal products.
The Erectile Dysfunction Institute said that, up to 90 percent of all cases of impotence are physical as opposed to psychological. and that high cholesterol diet along with obesity, diabetes, prostate cancer and inflammation, and hormonal imbalance are among the top reasons of the the causes.
I guess that this another reason why the US is racking up a quite a debt sheet as half of the men population (US demographics: 43 percent aged 35-50 years) are forced to make crude financial decisions because the are flustered with the fact they have to go to the pharmacy just to get them through the night =)
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