Dec 19, 2008
Are you an effective multi-tasker?
Although this is a very debatable subject, I cannot emphasize enough on the fact that I still know some people who, even though they have managed to climb higher in the corporate ladder, were still struggling to develop this essential skill.
They toil tirelessly, taking in more tasks in the hope that by doing so, they will develop the skill on how to better manage their time and tasks. It's as if this sort of practice will get them anywhere.
Unlike any other essential skill, it's not enough to think that you'll be a better multi-tasker by simply going through a lot of tasks, hoping that they'll eventually pick it up through repetition. Most of the time, people attribute multi-tasking to time management, so generally, they often thought that you'd naturally be a good multi-tasker if you have good time management skills...
This is, of course, an incorrect notion. Being able to manage your time well doesn't make you a better multi-tasker, in fact, the two doesn't have any relationship at all. I'll tell you why in a minute. I am not saying here that time management skill is not desirable in multi-tasking. I'm just saying that it is not a requisite.
People who are good time managers may possess the basic characteristics, but it doesn't necessarily follow that they'd be good multi-taskers right off the bat. They need to understand the basic fact the it'll take more than mere time management skills to become effective multi-taskers.
So how do you become a good multi-tasker?
The information I compiled is not a recommendation but a list of things that is, in my opinion, essential to being a better multi-tasker.
(1) Identifying your personal physical, emotional, psychological strengths
Right off the bat, you need to identify your upper and lower limits... No single organism can say that it can do it all without expecting serious problems later. Knowing how long you can go on working, or how late can you stay up late, or if you're willing to throw away weekends off is essential if you want to be a better multi-tasker.
(2) Consciously Practice and learn the skill (emphasis on the word "Consciously")
Have you ever tried running a 30 km triathlon race on the day of the race itself? Somethings can be done better if you have enough preparation, introspection, and training ahead of time. You simply cannot expect to finish the marathon if you just fancied running it on race day itself. This is the same with trying to learn a new skill (like multi-tasking) you simply cannot magically acquire it without going through some sort of regimen.
(3) Subject Matter Knowledge
Getting first hand and in-depth information about any specific task whether it is material to the it's completion or not is always a good thing to start with. Finishing any tasks means that you need to be well informed about any specifics so that you don't get those nasty gotchas on the tasks end phase. This is why, the better multi-tasker will be discriminate in accepting just any task that is foreign to him/her. It is more acceptable to decline any task that you don't know anything about, than carry on hoping to finish it off (example, writing a book in modern surgery)
(4) Learn to delegate / outsource components within the task itself
Nobody expects you to be like Superman, otherwise they're deluding themselves and you don't want to be a part of that - so better update your resume quick!
Being tasked with finishing the companies financial report over the weekends on and still expecting to manage the photocopying and distributing task by Monday is an exercise of absolute misappropriation of your time, energy, resources, and talent. On the other hand, if you feel that you don't have anything better to do that day and you'd really just like to take it easy, then, you need to ask only two questions - (a) Am I ready to start/take in another task? or (b) I need to find another job because this really isn't working at all!
(5) Keeping a record of your performance
Having some kind of document to keep tabs on how you're performing the given tasks will give you priceless clues as to how to improve your skill/technique. On the document itself, you can try to identify the following items so that you can have a meaningful time to review your performance: (a) Time/Date Started versus Time/Date Completed, (b) List of challenges/issues encountered (c) Learning Points or take aways (d) person/group who assigned the task and their expectations (e) your own expectations and their outcomes.
Hope this gave you guys some insight...
Dec 18, 2008
Oil slides as economist roll their eyes towards another 2009 possible spike
This week, the price for crude oil eased to about USD 44 (per barrel) compared to the all time high of about USD 147 (per barrel) on July of this year.
This is primarily due to the fact that demand for the black gold has been dropping since early Q4 of this year as the rest of the world watches in horror on the recent US Election and the drama that is the global financial meltdown.
The recent turn of events prompted opinion polls of economists around the globe towards the possibility of another spike in the prices of oil as soon as middle of 2009 and the allegations that the members of the con-fraternity of the dark evil dwarf and elves also known as OPEC (+1) is hatching a diabolical plan to make sure that the nations of the world will be reduced to nothing more than a bunch of toddlers playing a game of stop hitting yourself as each country tries to cut a deal with respective OPEC members for arms/drugs/women for oil sort of schemes.
I tell you those evil maniacs wont rest unless everyone else starts to sell off their souls to the devil himself for a lousy can of gas!
Excited over Outlook by July 2009
For sometime now, I've been including brushing off sessions to my daily to-do list on IBM's Lotus Notes. Re-learning the ins and outs of the email client application that seemed like it was from the Cenozoic era and looked like it's been recently unearthed from the excavation sites off king Tut's family grave pit.
Don't get me wrong though - I did have some relatively fond memories of Notes (around when I was on kindergarten, if memory serves my right...), but as time went by and I was inescapably exposed to the better features, flexibility and just the outright decent aesthetics of Microsoft's Outlook client, I found myself slowly being seduced to the windows side of the force.
I never looked back after that.
But, with my new job, it meant that I have to once again, face this friend from eons back.
I tried my best to rekindle the lost knowledge and even got to a point when I was actually customizing database modules integrating the calendar tool with task lists on Notes as I struggle the entire last week trying to structure my email folders and email preferences.
Something else snagged my thoughts though - I wonder if this plan to switch to Outlook is actually clue to the enterprise's ultimate goal of putting everyone on an electronic leash as it conveniently coincides with last weeks circular about the company issuing managers with Blackberries....
hmmmm, smells like a conspiracy theory to me.... will post an update with this mystery as information becomes available...
Dec 17, 2008
Microsoft X-Box 360 did it again!
The news about a certain individual trying to sue Microsoft over his X-Box 360 console constantly scratching his DVD game titles caught wind over US press last week. The document which cites that Microsoft has already discovered this flaw on their consoles as early as 2005 and practically came as far as suggesting possible solutions proved that greed should never be the business case of any enterprise (knowing that the said console is made by the world's greatest profiteering gnome-of-a-man, this was naturally, the unwritten mantra to live by...)
The flared-up (*geek) gamer, Jason Johnson, is suing Microsoft for USD 50,000 for punitive damages as he makes a case captioning the characteristic circular scratches occurring whenever he's re-orienting the console (from a horizontal to a vertical position or viz-a-viz) while the disk spins.
I mean, not to sound like the boob here Jason, but dude you need to get a day job man! Quick before they figure out that you're really a pink monster from Hannah Montana!
GMAC's in a stall with current negotiations
So, here's my first pick -- GMAC's possible bailout negotiation dilema...
Ailing US auto-giant GMAC looks damped and battered following another revisit to its almost confirmed bailout contract deal with the US Government. Since this writing, the general reception over the government's economic package to the US auto industry's giant 3 (three) has been somewhat lukewarm than what the rest of the world originally expected.
Another amendment on the terms of the deal means GMAC would need to put up its share of about USD 30 billiion in regulatory capitalization in order for it to be cited with the government's plans to absorb upt0 75 percent of its current (finance) base. Unfortunately for the thousands of US workforce being laid-off daily, this means that the pink slips will not be halted anytime soon as the management of GMAC comes up with its share of the deal.
I find that this bleak event in the US auto-industry is in stark contrast of the local auto-market here in the Philippines which is, believe it or not, reporting growth for Q4 of 2008.
Perhaps because in a country where majority of the people rely on offshore jobs, a certain complacency in the fact that "we will not be cut-off soon since where generating less than a quarter in staff overhead than our US counterparts" mentality brings the worst indifference to people.
Some of the local surveys points to only one thing... the filipino people couldn't care a rats-ass if the US auto-market crumbles to dust. I wonder why this is so? Is it because people who are interested on the US automarket dont have significant investment on it anyway and they've already jumped ship the moment the fire alarm rang?
I guess its mostly because people dont really understand that they will be, in one way or the other, be impacted by how the entire thing play out.
Just imagine that half of the world will be literally grind to a halt since 80% of parts and technology in the auto world comes from the US auto industry... Sure you might not care at all (unless your employer here happens to be one of the big 3) and argue that you're riding a PUJ built by Sarao or driving your japanese honda civic to work anyway, but just think about it... the technology, parts, and jobs ultimately circles back to the US auto-industry!
Believe it or not, the death of the US auto industry will spell problems to all including the common person driving the bus you ride to work everyday.
So, I guess that eventhough these capitalist bastards have been lambasting our sensibilities for the longest time (something which I share passionately with those anti-american demonstrators), we need to be informed about the developments that's happening in this area, in the hope that, worst comes to worst, we'll know when to start signing up for "caritela driving" lessons...
Blogged Out
So what have I missed? Crude Oil settled into USD 40 - 42 per barrel; missing memorandum around the oval office on how to get the American economy back on track; local news about another case of police incompetence in the advent of the holiday celebrations.
Whoa! I've zoned-out so long I even got left out on the the first black president being elected into the US office and US Big 3 insolvency cries for help.
It is somewhat amusing hearing myself talk to myself, trying to recollect on these past events. Indeed I've missed a lot of topics to blog about during my brief REM phase, but nevermore!
I am back and I will promise that, somehow, someway, I'll find time to continue sputtering whimsical topics about everything and anything I deem having an impact on my life. I guess since these topics are public occurrences of public interests, I reckon you the readers will also be affected by it, in someway or another.
Anyway, I'll toss my PJ's aside and dive right in to my next blog post... hope to see you there!
Dec 16, 2008
Caption me this...!
Salome: Lumayas ka dito, animal ka...
Jograd: huh... sandali lang, hayaan mo muna akong magpaliwanag dear...
Looking back on 2008
In it's wake, I've grown to appreciate and acknowledge the fact that life is precious and should be constantly renewed and nurtured. We should always try to sort all the experiences that we've had regardless of whether it's bad or good if we're planning to succeed in our plans for the future.
This year started with the birth of my youngest - my wonderful son, whose proving that there is always something new to learn, a new skill to master.
Being the proud parents of a talented baby girl once before, I thought that raising baby number 2 is going to be the same checklist that you can write down and cross-out upon completion. It reminded me that every child is unique and perfect at the same time.
This year also marked several challenges and obstacles within my marriage and personal development. It has made an impact to me as an individual and as a co-maker of the contract that is carried out daily in our home!
I've grown to appreciate and accept the differences that we as a couple experience daily and learn ways to compromise (or find reason to compromise) for them.
The year also marked my foray into stock market trading that, for all intensive purposes, deserves a separate post due to the length and depth that it has taught me. The experience also made me appreciate the other ways on how to make money work for you instead of the other way around.
This year also saw the admission of collapse of the mighty US empire economy and the "fireworks display" that followed suit showcasing the rest of the world's coping mechanism. It shows an affirmation to the truth in the saying that "big stones make big waves".
Despite the fact that the entire economic ecosystem is facing catastrophic decline, you get to see first hand that old economic truths will never become obsolete - That the genius behind capitalism is nothing more than an elitist mentality that the world only works on venture commercialism and predatory economic practices - all forbearing on the absolute truth stated in the law of gravity (whatever goes up, must come ____! ).
This year also reminded me that knowledge gained through experience is worth it's weight in gold. That genuine interest and passion for knowledge and excellence will always prevail over education gained half-hearted.
The year also taught me that it is important to keep human relations just the same as building new ones... you'll never know when you'll require the expertise / assistance of anyone you meet along the way.
I also learned that cultural difference (the professionalism kind) is just a figment of one's imagination... It is another attempt to justify incompetence in the workplace... and that talent, passion, as well as the added value you bring to a company should always be the better measure of one's corporate profile, pay and promotion - an not the traditional approach on nepotism and seniority level!
This same year also marked another milestone in my career as we move back to the Philippines under consideration of a very promising job opportunity. Although the decision is hard-fought, I consider the entire event a blessing nonetheless, hoping in earnest that this will open still bigger doors and new conquests for me and my family.
Now that I stand before the conclusion of yet another year - I look back on the unique experiences I had this year, trying my best to soak everything up as I brave the excitement of the coming year!
A renewal for the new year
This is of course a complete 360 degrees of what I've been practicing throughout my life!
Let me now examine the evidence...
First of all, you where born in this world the same as everybody else - naked, drenched in god knows what, without liquid / fixed assets, without any portfolio, any skills, degree, affiliations, certification, and any professional titles.
The only thing that makes you unique is the fact that you're the only person who'll get to grow up to be you! Experience the things that you've experienced (that is, in the same the form, impact, and level of immersion that you did)
The end-product of these experiences together with your inherent abilities is what makes you unique..
Second - believe it or not, growing up, you actually go through everything more than once... Things has its way of giving you another shot of learning from it if you tanked on it the last time.
Think about it - even though you might think your actually learning about physics, bio-mechanics, or logic circuits for the first time - it's actually the same basic concept, same fundamental operations, same old progression of logic and same of body of knowledge!
The only difference is selecting what the correct order or sequence of the information is and coming out with an idea or process that is applicable in the area or subject matter you're dealing with at that time.
Finally, you can take comfort with the saying that water drawn in any part of the world might come in a variety of color, smell, taste, phase, or composition, but the basic most arresting truth that anyone can consider is the fact that it is still, in its most simplest - is just water!
Learning to accept the truth that we are all subject to our own limitations and that we will, with a degree of certainty, encounter challenges and obstacles along the way is an important first step in developing peace and equilibrium within yourself.
Learning to accept that things always go wrong at the most unlikely moment will free your mind from all the unnecessary stress and related physio-degeneration that comes with it...
I remember one of the best advices I got from my dad which goes like this - On the first sign of any problem, ask yourself this one question: is there something I could do about it... if the answer is no, then there really is no point to put yourself up with all the unnecessary stress and anxiety.
For those who really know me, they'll all say that I was like that once... I was the eternal worrier or woes!
I guess being the sole provider and earner to my immediate family, coupled by lack of faith and low self confidence does that to you... but now, I'm glad that I was able to find (or renew) the hard truth that life is too short to compromise on pointless psycho-emotional negativity...
So, the one take away that I can give you in retrospect of the above is that, life always seem to carry on regardless of how much trouble you think is coming your way... so it is only logical to suggest that there is really no reason why you shouldn't...
Oct 25, 2008
Notice Period
Notice Periods can range from 30 days to 90 days depending on the prevailing legal laws or whatever you where dumb enough to agree with during your more happier encounters with your company's human resources department peons.
Now, even though I see the logic and understand the principles behind this, I simply refuse to allow myself to be forced in to a negotiation on delaying this notice period simply because the company can, within its privileges, call upon the cruelest, most evil invention known to man - the provisional clause.
Personally, I think that the HR and Admin Manager is using this clause to get back at me for giving him several sleepless nights in the past as he struggles on each conference meetings with the big boys to explain his more recent soirees.
Most of us don't really know that within the recessed pages of our contracts lies this diabolical clause of lamentation until it is pretty much too late for us to do something about it.
Some contracts contain the clause with the simple purpose of providing the company, precious delaying time and leverage, if in case you would elect to ditch them.
Statements on contracts like ---
"These responsibilities along with whatever task the company deems necessary in the normal line of your duties..."
I tell you, I can no longer count the number of lives destroyed, mutilated by these words.
In the end though, its every man for himself. One has to be forever vigilant, reading and understanding the contract thoroughly before signing, and to demand clarification if you feel that the clause is too vague or is maliciously constructed.
Oct 18, 2008
Business Minded
Live and let live
When is loosing a good thing?
Sep 28, 2008
Getting in gear
Sep 27, 2008
Bored of hanging out
Aug 12, 2008
Tips to screw your officemates (Tip #1)
I'll be writing daily snippets on this subject under the tag "Office Hassle Tips".
So lets start...
Office Hassle Tip Number 1:
The scenario:
As usual, another project is about the hit it's target date... temperature is rising, and all hell is about to break loose when the project leader asks for the final copy of the project charter from you because you've offered your selfless services of proofing and editing it a couple of weeks ago.
The Pay-off:
First, you have to do your fair part on elevating the tension by asking annoying questions like "ooohhh where did you get your hair done" (if its a girl) or "Did you see the game last week? (if its a guy)...
This will probably carry on the conversation providing you with precious delaying minutes.... then at the last minute, tell him/her that you'll just email them the document... then, send the document as a (broken) link through email instead of the usual attach file method. Repeat this procedure all the while engaging them with irrelevant questions as mentioned above...
When finally, the project leader questions your email method, tell her that you're being responsible and you are helping the company put down the cost on data storage by keeping a single copy of the file in the network and not sending each time an independent copy.
Continue sending her broken links and engaging them in irrelevant conversation until he/she burst into flames or get a nervous breakdown... then you simply grab the bottle of vodka you kept chilling on the fridge, pour yourself a glass and have the best time see your leader get grilled by higher ops for the delay...
Aug 10, 2008
Another Mindf*cked Rant
What about underestimating something to the point of practically neglecting it only to find out later on that it's actually one of the critical action point in someone else's grand design?
It's a shame how most of the people whose entrusted to take the helm of companies, portfolios, projects, industries, even countries and armies are leading lives whose in total contradiction of their jobs. Meaning that most of these so called managers/directors/presidents/chairmans are they themselves unable to manage either their very lives or their households.
Small wonder why societies will turn at each other at a drop of a hat with the smallest provocation on something they will later on consider as a trivial matter - case in point the latest Georgia conflict (click here to read more on this topic).
Sitting here writing this entry, I find these types of news as "concerning" or maybe even "alarming"... still, I couldn't imagine how it would feel like if you yourself would be in the actual situation....
Although still undecided on whether or not to go back home for a promising opportunity, I'm already mind-fu*cked from the stress because my decision might put me and my family in the same circumstances mentioned above... unable to justify if the risk-reward ratio if this decision will be on our favor...
Today, I may not just very well be reading about the violence, unfair trade practices, escalating prices on oil and commodities, tax scamming fiascos, police incompetence and brutality, rub-outs, trade insolvency issues about mi querida patria... Tomorrow I'll be again, immersed in all the sensationalized splendor and drama that is home...
You might ask: "Then why the f*ck do you have to go through it all over again?"
Answer: "Yo busco la mejor las cosas ... y estoy siempre un estudiante de la vida y las oportunidades..."
My God, please help me and my family see through this!
Let it not transpire according to my will, but with your will be
To leave, or not to leave... that is the question!
How some people carry on, candidly striking deals at will is beyond me! I am forever unabashed by the stirring uncertainty and obliterated thought process mostly brought about by repeating circumstances of defeat and high risk taking.
I know that a friend's honest assessment on any decision matter would be worth its weight in gold, if you prescribe to that person's capability and judgement. Otherwise the cycle repeats itself.
Sad facts, huh?
I guess in the end, you just have to be a man... cover your eyes... and pray your guts out that things will work out fine in the end...
En Dios, confío en ...
Voy de vuelta a casa!
Jun 8, 2008
Recession confession

Maybe it's because having your own pad the natural thing to do, once you have a family of your own. I mean, this is how nature designed us. Eventhough we all grew up with extended family lounging about grandma's pad, I think there is a sort of complacency if it's only your immediate family hassling you in the bathroom every morning...
In spite of my obvious excitement over this, I kept pushing a dark, troublesome truth behind the facade, hoping like constipation, it'll all go away by itself. You see, I am spending over 60% (sixty percent) of my monthly salary, which by the way is conveniently a fixed one... leaving me with a dwindling cashflow every month. Top that off with my now out of control debt, which by the way I thought I was able to control for over a year now.
I know what you guys are saying... "oh god, not another disgruntled worker..." but that's exactly the point... I mean, I, without hinting arrogance, am already getting a very good salary, compared to my contemporaries both in age and in profession...
So I think it all boils down to this... either I am supposed to make more money than what I am making now... or I start to take control of my maverick lifestyle... The sad part of this is, I thought that I will be able to handle things a little better, now that I am making this much...
Still, the worst part is waking up realizing that everything (the anxiety, due bills, and debt) is all coming back - and probably with a vengence....
That's it... I declare that I am now officially, under recession.... any emergency economic plans you might have will be most welcome...
May 25, 2008
We're Moving...

Change is a fact of life... It is the catalyst that makes life as we know it exists...
Dynamics, is the subsistence of the very thing that makes us who we are... it defines us, it gives us structure and most of all, it is the great equalizer; Brahman in the flesh...
Moving into your own pad is a statement of your independence, of your determination, of liberation...!
On the other hand... moving into your own pad as expatriate in another country, with monthly rentals amounting to 40% of your total monthly income - is plain and simple, loosing it....
But despite the blaring signs of impending doom, this has to be done... not for any other reason, but its own....
You see, sometimes, circumstances forces you to change... in this case move.... But despite the eloquent and formidable challenge posed, I remain optimistic that life will for me and my family continue... that somehow, we will survive this...
I often find myself dazed and staring aimlessly into a blank wall, well aware of the contradictions that this decision will give me.... powerless to resists the fate that's to come.... But I guess that's me just being me... the great worrier of woes...
If there's one thing that I am looking forward to, is the fact that I'll be the master of my own domain again... Furnished with Brand New Furnitures and Appliances... with a plush 2,690 square feet piece of real estate... a grandiose living room, 2 bedroom, 2 toilet & bath, my very own 377 square feet 3rd floor balcony... I can rest my weary head watching the night sky illuminate my senses... also, the flat I got is just friggin' cooooool!!!!
Here's some (bad) photos of the pre-move deliveries.... we hope to move in latest Wednesday, 28th May 2008...

Master's Bed Room (view from bed)

My daughter's bedroom (view from corner)

and My brand new king-size bed!!!
I'll be posting more pictures of the flat as it takes shape on the next posts...
Apr 4, 2008
Baby Blues
Throwing an extra "stressor" into the mix (e.i. viral invasion, accomodation and lodging problems, etc.) and you'll end up with my current state!
I read somewhere that lack of sleep is one of the main ingredient for paraoia and psychosomatic episodes.... as I writes this entry I am hearing little voices and seeing visions.... "will you stop talking Mr. Wilson...!!!"
But hey, don't get me wrong! I would rather trade all the stress, fatigue, and paranoia in the world only if I could be with my family and go through it all with them....
With all that is happening; I admit that I am managing the entire situation poorly. I'm constantly undermining the very tactics that I swore to defend, which is ---- never to panic when the baby refuses to sleep at 4am in the morning...
See I am a fairly reasonable man. Be as it may, I always pride mysels and on my scientific approach to things even in the face of the most challenging of challenges... Naturally, I wanted to explore a way to better understand my baby... bridge the gap, lick the fives....
So I've poured through countless pages online, several self-help tips from relatives, friends, and even perfect strangers, but the one that really struck a chord with my incessant pursuit of understanding and colloborating everything as scientifically as possible is this claim by an australian musician turned parenting expert, named Pricilla Dunstan (thanks to my brother-in-law).
The entire approach of the dunstan baby language system is based on the production of sounds as prescribed by how the baby itself reacts to stimulus or event. At first I thought it is an outrageous claim... but going through the video; I have to admit that some of the so called "sound equivalent" does make sense.... like if the baby cries and makes the sound "Neh" or "Nah" as the tongue hits the roof of the mouth - indicating that the he/she needs to be fed... or how the baby would cry and make the sound "Ah" when it is feeling bloated and needed to be burped.
Always wanting to take a balanced stand on the matter, I've also come across an entry from Wikipedia itself explaining that the entire syste should not be celebrated as a scientific breakthrough as it was not developed under any scientific methods or formed from any reputable study...
Anyway here's a sample video for you all... you be the judge....
Mar 29, 2008
They're back!!!!

Mar 26, 2008
Dumb and Dumbest
I don't want to be the one to say - "I told you so......", but I did tell you so!?!!?!
The filipino people is being smeared by such filth on a daily basis that sometimes I think we are putting the younger generation's future at stake by letting them be bombarded by the sub standard, low quality television programming...
Gone are the days of informative forms of entertainment (like Super Book, Astro Boy, Batibot, Sesame Street, Mr. Squiggle, Kwarta O Kahon, Ating Alamin w/ Ka-Gerry Geronimo, etc)....
You're saying I am wrong??!? Well, just take a look at this video and find out what it did to this poor girl...
Turn your entire family into South Park characters
Mar 24, 2008
Messiah Syndrome
You see, I have, for the most part of my life, grown up with most of my personal expectations (and celebrations) being played down, if at all, shown. Not because I am incompetent or unworthy, but because I carry the weight of guilt from the others who were counting on me to succeed at that time.
It has never been a fight for me. There is always someone else I'm waging it all for.
It is tough growing up thinking that everything you do is constantly being measured, weighed and scrutinized because the outcome of which could have an impact to another person, either directly or indirectly.
I feel as though the blame just digs deeper into you when you fail at something because your failure would translate as theirs.
This sort of, "messiah" syndrome is common for most of us, but a majority of us does have that innate ability to turn it off, should things get a little overwhelming. Unfortunately for me, I am not one of these persons.
I think it's both a curse and a blessing.
It's a curse, because the additional pressure and stress becomes amplified beyond what really is true at that time.
It's a blessing because, together with the problem comes that deep-seated motivation to strive and better yourself, constantly raising the bar as you set to overcome the obstacle. I builds character, I think (*stroke chin...)
For most people, life's challenges were mostly fought for one's own gain, or for personal reasons. This is why most people are quick to celebrate their successes, because they can easily attribute their success as their own. Being a "messiah" syndrome sufferer, it could be a challenge giving yourself the usual pat on the back for a job well done because you can never be straight forward with claiming your success for you own, feeling that the others who were riding on your success have also contributed to it, even though in all reality, they haven't done jack shit!.
What do you think is worst --- ending up in failure or failing to celebrate your own success???
Mar 20, 2008
Another reason why I love the land of cheese burgers and fries...

Cultural Difference

Lately, I've become extremely intolerant and at most, confrontational whenever stupidy is nearby... I think I'm allergic to stupid people because I've noticed a change in my breathing whenever I'm around them... I've also noticed that I break-out into bouts of mind-less taunting, name calling and cold sweats, whenever I am forced to engage them...
Although being confrontational and morbidly intolerant does have it's plus points, you can't help but think if, somehow, it'll all come back to you--- "What goes around, comes around"...
I think this is one of the reason and the biggest deterrent for us Filipinos.... I mean, growing up... we were taught to respect individuals and to be understanding and patient... anything else than that would be rude and unbecoming....
But as you go through life, you end up questioning its relevance in your day-to-day dealings.... Take my case for example... I've observed that every time I act nice to these marginalized people (aka. stupid people), I end up paying for it... moronic people simply do not reciprocate acts of kindness anymore...
Maybe its because I'm dealing with people who's coming from a different cultural background than mine... maybe, in their culture.... it is not rude to be complete moron whose work ethic is similar to a baboon on meth, with a skill level and professionalism that closely resembles a 4 year old child with down syndrome.....
How can we hold our sanity when the reason behind it all is cultural difference? Hmmm, thats a tough one..... It's a sensitive issue indeed... One can never take these things lightly.... But, if I'd have one suggestion on the matter - it would be Selective Extermination....
After all, if we can teach our kids the value of being competitive and doing well in school and work... then we all have the responsibilty to protect them from being exposed to idiocy and people who practice them....
Mar 15, 2008
Out-of-Office (2007) No More!!!

For most of you, little is known about how I valiantly fought off the excitement… how I held my head high, with complete disregard to what others would say if they found out that I am the last person in the office to use the said MS Office suite… But like any other temptation out there, the call of the keyboard is simply too strong to resists….
It's been an ordeal for me not to notice some of the convenience being offered by the new installment of the MS Office Suite. Even though I know that these convenient little extras is costing me my very soul, it wouldn't be fair at all to watch the hoi polloi indulge themselves to Armageddon while I stand alone and clueless of the entire useless verbiage being flung around the office floor.
So there, I started using the thing, all the while looking behind my back like a lying sleaze, afraid that my colleagues in the biz would catch me red-handed…
I ended up figuring one thing worthwhile with Word 2007 – that is its very own Blog Tool feature… at least now it's much easier to fake working than calling-in sick. So for that thank you Microsoft!
Mar 10, 2008
Mr. Yorre A. Schmuck, C.E.O.
So, I made my mind up and started campaigning for additional capital to finance my purchase for this very promising stock.
I did my homework... crossed the T's, dotted the I's.... I also went aroung lobbying for some "ground support", doing my own advertising of the company, peddling influence (hehehe).... and then finally, I took my purchase certificate home...
Everything was looking like it spelt s-u-c-c-e-s-s until about the second month when an official circular was sent by the then newly appointed C.E.O. of that wretched company.
The memo read something to this effect:
"The company does not have relative market activity to support the recent market rally that is causing the value of our stocks to appreciate beyond expectations during the past weeks.
This trend is purely speculative and as the price per equity (PE) of the company is still in a downward trending curve the company offers caution to all investors..."
I mean who died and made the fucker god anyway?!? So what if the stupid investing public is going ballistic for something even veteran investment analyst couldn't quite put their fingers on... or if the entire trend is being influenced by over-inflated dough-boys who might also be behind the looming buy-out deal?
Every-fucking-one is holding a winning ticket in this lotto, right?! Every-fucking-one is grinning their asses off, right? So why, Mr. CEO, tell me why... did you, of all the people, have to be the fucking 'tard-ass party pooper!!?!? What, your "conscience" not letting you sleep at night? Is that it? Then my good sir, why didn't you just take a fucking pill!!!!????
Surely enough, when the dust settled, and the takeover passed.... Mr. Fucking CEO is out the door.... with me and the rest of the 657,451 investors left behind trying our best to hold on to our sanity....
Question: Why is it that when the show finally starts getting interesting, you have to go to the bathroom and relieve your sorry-ass-self? Can somebody please enlighten me on this?!?!?
Mar 9, 2008
Rated: Parental Guidance
That's how it feels again... Barely three weeks after my annual holiday, I felt as if I'm back in the muddy fields, soaking in the pungent, stale, and absolutely horrid reality of my present circumstances: Working as an OFW in a deadbeat organization.
Strong words coming from someone whose voluntarily sold himself ( the devil...) into expatriation....
I tell you now - it should not always be about the money, you greedy-eyed muddda...!
Alright, sure, everyone's first reaction is, it's always about the Benjamins... But you see Benjie's going into all that sub-prime fiasco thingy right now, so that shit won't even matter within the next 7 years or so....
Let me then give you a brotherly advice (and I suggest you take it...) - If you're serious about going out of the country to work right now, you must be totally prepared - emotionally, physically, psychologically, mentally, and of course, morally....
Anything less than that, then, I'll tell you to wait on it for a while.... at least, that what I wish I would've done...
But here I am now... As dilapidated as I am, I have to persevere, not for my sake; but for my family's... I guess that's what really makes the entire ordeal bearable.... Family....
Things can certainly turn for the worst, but at the end of the day... It's not about you anymore.... it's about them, your babies.... your family....
I mean, if you think about it.... What is it that you've been doing all your life, if not building yourself up for that single, most noblest thing you can experience - Parenthood!
I know most of those who knew me back in the days will tell you, I'm the last person they would've thought of being all existential about parenthood and stuff... I guess I'd say the same thing like that about myself, 9, 10 years ago... Believe it or not, I did not look for this... It found me....! And boy am I freaked when it did....
That said, I guess the only thing I should be complaining about right now is not that I'm bent to be a corporate slave for the rest of my life... it should've been: I think I could've done a better job if I would've tried harder when I could've....
I just wish I'll not disappoint these fellas that much....
Ashley (8 YO) and Dylan (0.25 YO)
Feb 12, 2008
My fragile angel
Jan 4, 2008
Bakasyon 2008

Taking annual holidays like these, brings back memories of those long summer breaks during our elementary and high school days... Do you remember how excitable you are then?!?
Weeks before the last day of classes... people are already brimming with anticipation of it... classmates swapping stories about their supposed family out-of-town trips... everyone scheming barkada malling schedules.... or planning a get together during the Summer Lenten Event --- "Bisita Iglesia Excursions"
Do you still remember how each year the barkada outings became more and more interesting... and more and more fun! Oh how I would like to rewind and re-live those wonderful days =)
That's the same thing I'm feeling right now... I'm just as excitable now (if not more excitable) than I ever been in my entire adult life....
I actually have three reasons to look forward to on this trip... one of which is concerns my wife, plump pillows, satin sheets and.... well, if you're reading this... you should probably have figured it out *wink ;)
I am really looking forward coming home to my family... after all, we will be welcoming one more person this time around.... My baby Dylan.... Mi próximo capitán extraordinaire... =)
I could finally spend my time lounging about and caring for nothing else except spending each hour with my family... as I should have been doing in the first place... As I'm writing this, I cannot help but grin thinking about what my itinerary would look like.... Not that I've done my to-do list already; actually haven't yet, but I guess I can pick it up on the flight home =)
Just thinking about doing no work for a month has already affected my sleeping pattern, now,I've began turning in early for bed and getting restfull sleeps...
I mean, just think about it... at last, I can be free of bumbling idiots whose flaunting at least 2 MBA Degrees, and free from holding my self back of slapping retards whose main job function is to annoy or irritate you with their gross incompetence and nonchalant opinions about absolutely nothing!!!
At long last, I can soak up in an environment where I can feel absolutely remorseful and distressed yet gleeful and supreme contentment (aka - Mi patria .... Filipinas!).....
Wooohooo!!!! Baked Tahong and Tuna Sisig.... here I come!!!! :D