May 30, 2007


Hey, waddaya know...? I finally came around writing my own blog...

Just when the rest of the world thought that they have had enough bloggers in the world... I decided to start this crap...

Okay, just cut me some slack people... I need a pet friend too... *sniff-sniff

Seriously... feel free to castrate my already dilapidated psyche and send your comments...

I'll try to post as often as I can... so for those of you who are shaking their fists in a display of disgust and protest --- you can just bite my bloggily-typin'-ass!


.:: All materials, explicit or otherwise are duly copyrighted, so back off plagiaristic punks! ::.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you beat me to it...SOMEONE has been nagging me to start my own blog too - for "business" reasons he says but i think the very reason is, he just wants me to have a space where i could rant so he would have some PEACE....but
i'm buying the "business" crap and starting my very own blog...SOON i hope, so that HE would get off my back