Dec 19, 2008

Are you an effective multi-tasker?

I wanted to write something down to touch on the idea that some people are just naturally good multi-taskers...

Although this is a very debatable subject, I cannot emphasize enough on the fact that I still know some people who, even though they have managed to climb higher in the corporate ladder, were still struggling to develop this essential skill.

They toil tirelessly, taking in more tasks in the hope that by doing so, they will develop the skill on how to better manage their time and tasks. It's as if this sort of practice will get them anywhere.

Unlike any other essential skill, it's not enough to think that you'll be a better multi-tasker by simply going through a lot of tasks, hoping that they'll eventually pick it up through repetition. Most of the time, people attribute multi-tasking to time management, so generally, they often thought that you'd naturally be a good multi-tasker if you have good time management skills...

This is, of course, an incorrect notion. Being able to manage your time well doesn't make you a better multi-tasker, in fact, the two doesn't have any relationship at all. I'll tell you why in a minute. I am not saying here that time management skill is not desirable in multi-tasking. I'm just saying that it is not a requisite.

People who are good time managers may possess the basic characteristics, but it doesn't necessarily follow that they'd be good multi-taskers right off the bat. They need to understand the basic fact the it'll take more than mere time management skills to become effective multi-taskers.

So how do you become a good multi-tasker?

The information I compiled is not a recommendation but a list of things that is, in my opinion, essential to being a better multi-tasker.

(1) Identifying your personal physical, emotional, psychological strengths

Right off the bat, you need to identify your upper and lower limits... No single organism can say that it can do it all without expecting serious problems later. Knowing how long you can go on working, or how late can you stay up late, or if you're willing to throw away weekends off is essential if you want to be a better multi-tasker.

(2) Consciously Practice and learn the skill (emphasis on the word "Consciously")

Have you ever tried running a 30 km triathlon race on the day of the race itself? Somethings can be done better if you have enough preparation, introspection, and training ahead of time. You simply cannot expect to finish the marathon if you just fancied running it on race day itself. This is the same with trying to learn a new skill (like multi-tasking) you simply cannot magically acquire it without going through some sort of regimen.

(3) Subject Matter Knowledge

Getting first hand and in-depth information about any specific task whether it is material to the it's completion or not is always a good thing to start with. Finishing any tasks means that you need to be well informed about any specifics so that you don't get those nasty gotchas on the tasks end phase. This is why, the better multi-tasker will be discriminate in accepting just any task that is foreign to him/her. It is more acceptable to decline any task that you don't know anything about, than carry on hoping to finish it off (example, writing a book in modern surgery)

(4) Learn to delegate / outsource components within the task itself

Nobody expects you to be like Superman, otherwise they're deluding themselves and you don't want to be a part of that - so better update your resume quick!

Being tasked with finishing the companies financial report over the weekends on and still expecting to manage the photocopying and distributing task by Monday is an exercise of absolute misappropriation of your time, energy, resources, and talent. On the other hand, if you feel that you don't have anything better to do that day and you'd really just like to take it easy, then, you need to ask only two questions - (a) Am I ready to start/take in another task? or (b) I need to find another job because this really isn't working at all!

(5) Keeping a record of your performance

Having some kind of document to keep tabs on how you're performing the given tasks will give you priceless clues as to how to improve your skill/technique. On the document itself, you can try to identify the following items so that you can have a meaningful time to review your performance: (a) Time/Date Started versus Time/Date Completed, (b) List of challenges/issues encountered (c) Learning Points or take aways (d) person/group who assigned the task and their expectations (e) your own expectations and their outcomes.

Hope this gave you guys some insight...

Dec 18, 2008

Oil slides as economist roll their eyes towards another 2009 possible spike

The recent Oil price slide prompted members of OPEC together with Russia (the only non-OPEC member oil producer) to convened ando discuss cutting oil production down 3% (about 2 million bpd) as it desperately hope to stomp the crash before the end of the year.

This week, the price for crude oil eased to about USD 44 (per barrel) compared to the all time high of about USD 147 (per barrel) on July of this year.

This is primarily due to the fact that demand for the black gold has been dropping since early Q4 of this year as the rest of the world watches in horror on the recent US Election and the drama that is the global financial meltdown.

The recent turn of events prompted opinion polls of economists around the globe towards the possibility of another spike in the prices of oil as soon as middle of 2009 and the allegations that the members of the con-fraternity of the dark evil dwarf and elves also known as OPEC (+1) is hatching a diabolical plan to make sure that the nations of the world will be reduced to nothing more than a bunch of toddlers playing a game of stop hitting yourself as each country tries to cut a deal with respective OPEC members for arms/drugs/women for oil sort of schemes.

I tell you those evil maniacs wont rest unless everyone else starts to sell off their souls to the devil himself for a lousy can of gas!

Excited over Outlook by July 2009

I never thought I'd be this much excited over Microsoft Outlook! Today, a circular memo from the intranet web-board came stating that the enterprise is already in the process of fully migrating the email services to Microsoft's Outlook Client, EOD: July of 2009.

For sometime now, I've been including brushing off sessions to my daily to-do list on IBM's Lotus Notes. Re-learning the ins and outs of the email client application that seemed like it was from the Cenozoic era and looked like it's been recently unearthed from the excavation sites off king Tut's family grave pit.

Don't get me wrong though - I did have some relatively fond memories of Notes (around when I was on kindergarten, if memory serves my right...), but as time went by and I was inescapably exposed to the better features, flexibility and just the outright decent aesthetics of Microsoft's Outlook client, I found myself slowly being seduced to the windows side of the force.

I never looked back after that.

But, with my new job, it meant that I have to once again, face this friend from eons back.

I tried my best to rekindle the lost knowledge and even got to a point when I was actually customizing database modules integrating the calendar tool with task lists on Notes as I struggle the entire last week trying to structure my email folders and email preferences.

Something else snagged my thoughts though - I wonder if this plan to switch to Outlook is actually clue to the enterprise's ultimate goal of putting everyone on an electronic leash as it conveniently coincides with last weeks circular about the company issuing managers with Blackberries....

hmmmm, smells like a conspiracy theory to me.... will post an update with this mystery as information becomes available...

Dec 17, 2008

Microsoft X-Box 360 did it again!

Still licking its wounds from its last fiasco (circa 2003), Microsoft's X-Box console is in the news once again as reports of less than reliable consoles are being recalled from production.

The news about a certain individual trying to sue Microsoft over his X-Box 360 console constantly scratching his DVD game titles caught wind over US press last week. The document which cites that Microsoft has already discovered this flaw on their consoles as early as 2005 and practically came as far as suggesting possible solutions proved that greed should never be the business case of any enterprise (knowing that the said console is made by the world's greatest profiteering gnome-of-a-man, this was naturally, the unwritten mantra to live by...)

The flared-up (*geek) gamer, Jason Johnson, is suing Microsoft for USD 50,000 for punitive damages as he makes a case captioning the characteristic circular scratches occurring whenever he's re-orienting the console (from a horizontal to a vertical position or viz-a-viz) while the disk spins.

I mean, not to sound like the boob here Jason, but dude you need to get a day job man! Quick before they figure out that you're really a pink monster from Hannah Montana!

GMAC's in a stall with current negotiations

Keeping true to my objective in providing commentary on issues and news that *might or would in fact cascade its effects to my personal interest, I've decided to re-invent this blog to carry relevant opinion-base writing with said issues.

So, here's my first pick -- GMAC's possible bailout negotiation dilema...

Ailing US auto-giant GMAC looks damped and battered following another revisit to its almost confirmed bailout contract deal with the US Government. Since this writing, the general reception over the government's economic package to the US auto industry's giant 3 (three) has been somewhat lukewarm than what the rest of the world originally expected.

Another amendment on the terms of the deal means GMAC would need to put up its share of about USD 30 billiion in regulatory capitalization in order for it to be cited with the government's plans to absorb upt0 75 percent of its current (finance) base. Unfortunately for the thousands of US workforce being laid-off daily, this means that the pink slips will not be halted anytime soon as the management of GMAC comes up with its share of the deal.

I find that this bleak event in the US auto-industry is in stark contrast of the local auto-market here in the Philippines which is, believe it or not, reporting growth for Q4 of 2008.

Perhaps because in a country where majority of the people rely on offshore jobs, a certain complacency in the fact that "we will not be cut-off soon since where generating less than a quarter in staff overhead than our US counterparts" mentality brings the worst indifference to people.

Some of the local surveys points to only one thing... the filipino people couldn't care a rats-ass if the US auto-market crumbles to dust. I wonder why this is so? Is it because people who are interested on the US automarket dont have significant investment on it anyway and they've already jumped ship the moment the fire alarm rang?

I guess its mostly because people dont really understand that they will be, in one way or the other, be impacted by how the entire thing play out.

Just imagine that half of the world will be literally grind to a halt since 80% of parts and technology in the auto world comes from the US auto industry... Sure you might not care at all (unless your employer here happens to be one of the big 3) and argue that you're riding a PUJ built by Sarao or driving your japanese honda civic to work anyway, but just think about it... the technology, parts, and jobs ultimately circles back to the US auto-industry!

Believe it or not, the death of the US auto industry will spell problems to all including the common person driving the bus you ride to work everyday.

So, I guess that eventhough these capitalist bastards have been lambasting our sensibilities for the longest time (something which I share passionately with those anti-american demonstrators), we need to be informed about the developments that's happening in this area, in the hope that, worst comes to worst, we'll know when to start signing up for "caritela driving" lessons...

Blogged Out

It has been a while since I posted, between our repatriation and me settling into my new job back in the P.I., I honestly find little time to breathe let alone blog.

So what have I missed? Crude Oil settled into USD 40 - 42 per barrel; missing memorandum around the oval office on how to get the American economy back on track; local news about another case of police incompetence in the advent of the holiday celebrations.

Whoa! I've zoned-out so long I even got left out on the the first black president being elected into the US office and US Big 3 insolvency cries for help.

It is somewhat amusing hearing myself talk to myself, trying to recollect on these past events. Indeed I've missed a lot of topics to blog about during my brief REM phase, but nevermore!

I am back and I will promise that, somehow, someway, I'll find time to continue sputtering whimsical topics about everything and anything I deem having an impact on my life. I guess since these topics are public occurrences of public interests, I reckon you the readers will also be affected by it, in someway or another.

Anyway, I'll toss my PJ's aside and dive right in to my next blog post... hope to see you there!

Dec 16, 2008

Caption me this...!

This photo captures how most of the muslim world feels about Pres. Bush's eight (8) year stint in the US Presidency:

Try to caption this and win a prize...!




Salome: Lumayas ka dito, animal ka...

Jograd: huh... sandali lang, hayaan mo muna akong magpaliwanag dear...

Looking back on 2008

The year 2008 was indeed a very colorful, eye-opening and challenging year for me!

In it's wake, I've grown to appreciate and acknowledge the fact that life is precious and should be constantly renewed and nurtured. We should always try to sort all the experiences that we've had regardless of whether it's bad or good if we're planning to succeed in our plans for the future.

This year started with the birth of my youngest - my wonderful son, whose proving that there is always something new to learn, a new skill to master.

Being the proud parents of a talented baby girl once before, I thought that raising baby number 2 is going to be the same checklist that you can write down and cross-out upon completion. It reminded me that every child is unique and perfect at the same time.

This year also marked several challenges and obstacles within my marriage and personal development. It has made an impact to me as an individual and as a co-maker of the contract that is carried out daily in our home!

I've grown to appreciate and accept the differences that we as a couple experience daily and learn ways to compromise (or find reason to compromise) for them.

The year also marked my foray into stock market trading that, for all intensive purposes, deserves a separate post due to the length and depth that it has taught me. The experience also made me appreciate the other ways on how to make money work for you instead of the other way around.

This year also saw the admission of collapse of the mighty US empire economy and the "fireworks display" that followed suit showcasing the rest of the world's coping mechanism. It shows an affirmation to the truth in the saying that "big stones make big waves".

Despite the fact that the entire economic ecosystem is facing catastrophic decline, you get to see first hand that old economic truths will never become obsolete - That the genius behind capitalism is nothing more than an elitist mentality that the world only works on venture commercialism and predatory economic practices - all forbearing on the absolute truth stated in the law of gravity (whatever goes up, must come ____! ).

This year also reminded me that knowledge gained through experience is worth it's weight in gold. That genuine interest and passion for knowledge and excellence will always prevail over education gained half-hearted.

The year also taught me that it is important to keep human relations just the same as building new ones... you'll never know when you'll require the expertise / assistance of anyone you meet along the way.

I also learned that cultural difference (the professionalism kind) is just a figment of one's imagination... It is another attempt to justify incompetence in the workplace... and that talent, passion, as well as the added value you bring to a company should always be the better measure of one's corporate profile, pay and promotion - an not the traditional approach on nepotism and seniority level!

This same year also marked another milestone in my career as we move back to the Philippines under consideration of a very promising job opportunity. Although the decision is hard-fought, I consider the entire event a blessing nonetheless, hoping in earnest that this will open still bigger doors and new conquests for me and my family.

Now that I stand before the conclusion of yet another year - I look back on the unique experiences I had this year, trying my best to soak everything up as I brave the excitement of the coming year!

A renewal for the new year

For sometime now, I'm slowly accepting the reality that life is really not that complicated.

This is of course a complete 360 degrees of what I've been practicing throughout my life!

Let me now examine the evidence...

First of all, you where born in this world the same as everybody else - naked, drenched in god knows what, without liquid / fixed assets, without any portfolio, any skills, degree, affiliations, certification, and any professional titles.

The only thing that makes you unique is the fact that you're the only person who'll get to grow up to be you! Experience the things that you've experienced (that is, in the same the form, impact, and level of immersion that you did)

The end-product of these experiences together with your inherent abilities is what makes you unique..

Second - believe it or not, growing up, you actually go through everything more than once... Things has its way of giving you another shot of learning from it if you tanked on it the last time.

Think about it - even though you might think your actually learning about physics, bio-mechanics, or logic circuits for the first time - it's actually the same basic concept, same fundamental operations, same old progression of logic and same of body of knowledge!

The only difference is selecting what the correct order or sequence of the information is and coming out with an idea or process that is applicable in the area or subject matter you're dealing with at that time.

Finally, you can take comfort with the saying that water drawn in any part of the world might come in a variety of color, smell, taste, phase, or composition, but the basic most arresting truth that anyone can consider is the fact that it is still, in its most simplest - is just water!

Learning to accept the truth that we are all subject to our own limitations and that we will, with a degree of certainty, encounter challenges and obstacles along the way is an important first step in developing peace and equilibrium within yourself.

Learning to accept that things always go wrong at the most unlikely moment will free your mind from all the unnecessary stress and related physio-degeneration that comes with it...

I remember one of the best advices I got from my dad which goes like this - On the first sign of any problem, ask yourself this one question: is there something I could do about it... if the answer is no, then there really is no point to put yourself up with all the unnecessary stress and anxiety.

For those who really know me, they'll all say that I was like that once... I was the eternal worrier or woes!

I guess being the sole provider and earner to my immediate family, coupled by lack of faith and low self confidence does that to you... but now, I'm glad that I was able to find (or renew) the hard truth that life is too short to compromise on pointless psycho-emotional negativity...

So, the one take away that I can give you in retrospect of the above is that, life always seem to carry on regardless of how much trouble you think is coming your way... so it is only logical to suggest that there is really no reason why you shouldn't...