Aug 10, 2008

To leave, or not to leave... that is the question!

A fervent attempt to empower one's self will almost always end-up to be an insult to someone else's sensibilities. Being around uncertainty all your life, you somehow find yourself sinking deep into the recesses and obsessive goings-on of your sheer lack of trust with your own good judgement.

How some people carry on, candidly striking deals at will is beyond me! I am forever unabashed by the stirring uncertainty and obliterated thought process mostly brought about by repeating circumstances of defeat and high risk taking.

I know that a friend's honest assessment on any decision matter would be worth its weight in gold, if you prescribe to that person's capability and judgement. Otherwise the cycle repeats itself.

Sad facts, huh?

I guess in the end, you just have to be a man... cover your eyes... and pray your guts out that things will work out fine in the end...

En Dios, confĂ­o en ...

Voy de vuelta a casa!

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