Mar 15, 2008

Out-of-Office (2007) No More!!!

For months now I've been trying my very best to resist the urge to patronize the new MS Office Suite (2007) for the fear that I am once again selling my soul to that two-faced-devil-in-geeks-clothing - Mr. B.G. but alas, I've resisted long enough.

For most of you, little is known about how I valiantly fought off the excitement… how I held my head high, with complete disregard to what others would say if they found out that I am the last person in the office to use the said MS Office suite… But like any other temptation out there, the call of the keyboard is simply too strong to resists….

It's been an ordeal for me not to notice some of the convenience being offered by the new installment of the MS Office Suite. Even though I know that these convenient little extras is costing me my very soul, it wouldn't be fair at all to watch the hoi polloi indulge themselves to Armageddon while I stand alone and clueless of the entire useless verbiage being flung around the office floor.

So there, I started using the thing, all the while looking behind my back like a lying sleaze, afraid that my colleagues in the biz would catch me red-handed…

I ended up figuring one thing worthwhile with Word 2007 – that is its very own Blog Tool feature… at least now it's much easier to fake working than calling-in sick. So for that thank you Microsoft!

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